White Lumps in baby poo??


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I have just switched my 6 1/2 mth baby to formula in the last 2 weeks slowly increasing the number of bottles. He was still having one bottle EBM a day until 4 days ago. He's had constipation troubles so we've eased off on the food while we get the formula sorted. Today he really struggled to poo and when he did it was firm and brown but had white chunks through it. Has anyone had this with their baby? We've been giving prune juice and sticking to fruit and veg, he did have some rolled oats baby porridge for 3 days but was mixed with prune or pureed pearAm starting to worry about the constipation but hopefully his body will adjust to the formula.
I'm not a "baby poo expert" (thankfully!) but I have a question and a suggestion:

You said your baby is 6 1/2-months-old. How long has he been having solid foods? (And was he also having formula and BM with them?) My daughter is now 6-months-old and I haven't put her on any formula at all because she reacted so badly to the formula--just had a very hard time passing it. My son was on formula from 6 months onward and did fine with it, though. Different kids have different tummies, eh? We plan to start my daughter with some rice cereal mixed with EBM next week when she turns 6-months-old for one feed/day.

I suggest that you switch to goat milk formula. My son used to get constipated on the regular formula. When we switched to goat's-milk formula never had that problem again. Prune juice--even large amounts of it--never helped my son much. My aunt, who had six children swears by giving graham crackers. I found that maple syrup helps my son as well. Pureed apples, squash and pumpkin also helped. You could see if you can find a probiotic for babies--I think there might be some out there?

The white parts in his poo could be a number of things including undigested formula or even mucous (which is normally produced by the intestine--especially when dealing with dairy products).

Hope the tummy problems get fixed. :)