What age can baby travel ?


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This story is gonna either make you laugh or think we are sill but here we go,
My son was born in Thailand last Christmas. We then took himback to Hong Kong when he was 2 months old (25th Feb). Now I have to travel to Bangkok for a short period (5 days) for my father's anniversary. My husband suddenly has a panic attack thinking that it might not be oo safe for our son to travel on the plane. We have a nice house in Thailand, so staying there is not his concern. His concern is more of travelling on the plane and hanging around at the airport.
He is3 months old now.
Do we push him too far?
He is solely breastfeed. Just having his first old but just tiny tiny cough, runny nose, no fever and seems very happy and smile all day except at night that he seems to have a stuffy nose but can sleep very well (7pm - 1.30am and then 2am to 6am).
Can you please help us decideif
1.We should take him to see the doctor because of his cold? (he's been like this for 3 days now).
2.Shouldwe trave next week?
4.If I go by myself and leave him with my husband, can he use formula for a day?
So, he went on a plane a month ago and all was well? Should be absolutely fine. Babies that age sleep a lot anyway. I find that a sling/carrier is very convenient and I'm sure your son will love being snuggled up with you.

If you leave your baby, I predict a couple of things may happen:
- you'll miss him like crazy
- you'll get fed up with pumping. You'll need to be pumping every time you'd normally feed your son and, believe me, it's tedious. Even if you do, you'll risk a diminishing milk supply and may need to work to bring it back up when return.

You could offer your son formula but he may refuse it. You don't say if you've been pumping. If not, he may refuse the bottle.

As for his cold, I used to go up to a week if my baby had the sniffles. If you notice him getting worse or developing a fever, a trip to the dr may be in order.

Hope this helps and that you have a great trip.
Thank you, that'swhat I thought. I know there are germs and all on the plane but for 2 hours flight he should be ok I think.
The best place for your baby (from a health viewpoint) is wherever you are.

This way the baby can continue getting exclusive breastfeeding. This is not just ideal nutrition but also lots of antibodies to keep him safe. When the mother comes across a new germ she makes antibodies in the milk which are specific to the germs and so protects the baby. This doesn’t always mean that the baby doesn’t get the illness but if he does it will be a much milder form (as you can see with your baby at the moment).

Travel is no problem for babies, especially ones as young as three months, because all they want in life is to be with their mothers. Generally all you have to is feed them, play with them and let them sleep.

If you are worried about the baby’s cold then take him to the doctor. I rarely worried about colds unless the baby was unhappy with it as well. I never had a thermometer when my children were small (had to buy one when SARS came). I could tell if my children were ill from their behaviour much better than whether they had a fever or a cold.

You say you are going to Thailand for your father’s anniversary. Isn’t this a family occasion? I would have thought it was important to take the baby so that he is really part of the family. I believe that family celebrations are very important – it is after all what being part of a family is all about.

I hope you have lots of fun,
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i took my daughter on a 36 hour journey (door-to-door) to canada when she was 5 weeks old. she was great! it was me that was tired and cranky!