Victoria or Kingston


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My daughter is in Victoria am class right now; it's close to our home, she seems to be happy with it.

I applied to Kingston long time ago, finally got a call for pm class. I've heard a lot of good comments about Kingston. Seems kids there are happy too. If she goes there, then she needs to take school bus (or I send her everyday). The tuition is quite high, does it mean it's better? I mean why it charges much more than most kindergartens.

My daughter speaks good mandarin, i don't feel that's a big concern for me at the moment.

moms, how do you compare these 2 schools? which primaries do kingston kids go after kindergarten?
1) your child is happy now
2) you were happy until you found out about the other school
3) victoria is convenient. kingston you would need a bus.
4) victoria's fees are less than kingston.

seems that the decision is very easy! why would you change if you are happy with what you have? both are KINDERGARTENS! they are not universities. please relax. the kindergarten your child attends will have very little bearing on the rest of your child's life. you're child's future will depend on her, not on which school she went to. if you raise a self-confident, happy, self-reliant child, she will succeed no matter where she goes.

personally, i wouldn't change. i think that what kindergartens here get away with is disgusting. they charge extortionate fees, make grown men and women completely stressed (which cannot be good for the children!) and in many cases turn them into competetive monsters (again, not good for the children involved). they make the parents crazy with worry for the "future" of their child, when in actual fact, which kindergarten you went to has very little bearing (if any at all) on the future of your child.

(this is not all directed at you, i teach playgroups and it disgusts me to see what parents go through~ not their fault, they are doing what they think is best for their children~because of the kindergarten policies. my disgust is not directed at the parents, rather it is directed at the kindergartens themselves.)

i've been SO put off, i've been working on plans to try to open my own kindergarten..... just gotta find the money somewhere!
but nowadays so many schools are 'linked', if your kids go to one 'good' kindergarten, they will probably be easily transitted to 'good' primary and secondary schools. Which kindergarten the kid goes to may not play a major role in his/her life, but with primary and secondary and then college, it plays a significant part in one's life. I think hunhun_l is looking long term and thus the worries.
i still believe that if your child is raised to have confidence, and self-reliance, your child will succeed.

i've been teaching in HK for almost 15 years. i know the system well. and i know the worries of the parents. THAT'S what bothers me. nowhere else in the world have i heard of 10-12 year olds committing suicide because of school marks or not getting into the 'RIGHT' school.

i also have two children of kindergarten age. i DO understand.

the kindergartens that are possibly "linked" do not guarantee that your child is accepted to the primary school. it still comes down to your individual child to "pass" the interviews.

do you honestly believe that what kindergarten you attended when you were 2 years old plays a part in what university you go to?
i didn't mean that to sound nasty, if it did, i'm very sorry... i was being interrupted by two little monsters and was having a difficult time while i wrote. it is now too late to edit it...

I have a nice who goes to Kingston Int (primary section). She seems to be very happy. She went to local school b4 and couldnt cope with all the pressure of competition and many homeworks. Although it charge a lot but I REALLY think it was a good decision to move her there. She is getting good grades and enjoy learning.
And I heard that many Kids from Kingston KG go to the primary.

I dont know much about victoria but they have a primary school in HK island.
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