Vaccinations in HK - 5 in 1 or 6 in 1??


Registered User
Hi. I am currently in Taiwan waiting to give birth to my son and will be moving to HK when he's 5-6 wks old.

There are different types of vaccinations in Taiwan for babies and I am wondering if anyone knows whether both 5 in 1 and 6 in 1 are available in HK?? I have read that 6 in 1 has a unique vaccination schedule so it's hard to switch to other types of vaccines. And is one better than the other?

Also would love to get some recommendations from experienced moms regarding good peds in HK - I prefer western doctors and have heard good things about Adventist (spell?) and Matilda. Thank you so much!

Pregger C
Both 5 in 1 and 6 in 1 combined vaccines are available in Hong Kong. They are essentially the same vaccine, except hep. B is included in the 6 in 1.

The 6 in 1 vaccination schedule is actually very simple - 1st dose around 6 weeks to 2 months, 2nd dose approximately 1 month + after the first dose, and the 3rd dose is to be given approximately 1 month after the 2nd dose. So if you even it out a bit, it would be something like a dose at around 2, 4, 6 months.

If you compare it with the 5 in 1 + hepatitis B schedule, you get a total of 5 jags in stead of 7. If you already had some 5 in 1 vaccines, it is actually pretty easy to incoporate it into the 6 in 1 program - just ask your own paediatrician.

hope that helps


Thanks for the info! I am expecting #1 and was really confused. Thanks for clearing it up for me! Also wondering if you would be able to recommend good peds in HK (preferably western doctors)? Thank you!

Pregger C