Vaccination at Government Health Centers


Registered User
Could anybody please direct me to where I can find the list of free vaccination that my baby can get from a Government health centre please?
Thank you,
Click onto the below website, it gives you the full list of vaccination with timing schedule from a Govt Baby Clinic.

I also have a leaflet from my PD printed by GSK, giving a full chart comparing Govt vaccination schedule & the private 5-in-1 or 6-in-1 option. If you want, give me a fax number and I can fax to you next week. This leaflet is otherwise obtainable from any private PD. The Govt vaccine totalling 11 shots as compared to the private PD 6+ shots when the child is up to 1.5 yr old.

We moved to HK 10 months ago and go to a private doctor for my baby's vaccination. Currently I am thinking to switch to Government clinic. Does anyone know if Government clinick use Thimerosal-free vaccination?

Thanks in advance.