Travelling to Taiwan for 4 days with 14m old


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Finally it is our turn to go on a vacation, our first since I found out I was pregnant back in 2009! I still have 1 more week to prepare for this and really want to collect your experiences.

The first question that comes in my head is his food - he has had the luxury of getting his solid prepared daily using only fresh ingredients; and when I tried 3 different brands of jar food yesterday he immediately gave me the ugly look that almost said "this is so yuke, why are you doing this to me?" What other options do I have aside from the jar food?

2nd question - would you say that a stroller is a must for Taipei for a 14m old who can walk really well? I am thinking about bringing just the carrier since he prefers to walk most of the time. However he weighs 23lbs already so not sure about how my back would handle if he needs to nap during the day while we are out.

If anyone can please share their little travel tips for toddler is this age I would greatly appreciate that. Thanks!
We went to Taiwan when my son was about 18 months. A stroller was a definite must, no matter how well he could walk. Taipei is much better than HK for kids and babies, so don't worry about stroller access.
Taipei Zoo was good, you would defo need a stroller for that, but they actually rent them there (or was that singapore zoo, uh oh).
My son just ate whatever we ate at that point. But I think it shouldn't be too hard to find places that he could eat at - noodles, rice, etc. I would bring a pair of small scissors with you to chop up his food, maybe even your own plastic bowl and cutlery. We actually had a hard time finding much Taiwanese food, if you can believe it. Everything seemed to be Japanese. Good thing J-food is very mild and palatable for little ones. Maybe you can just bring some fruit jars for desperate times. And you can buy yogurt, that sort of thing.
But I would reconsider the stroller. You don't want to be stuck in a situation where you wish you had one.
Went to taipei pre baby, though both of us like to walk. I think that the city itself is quite big to navigate and we get tired at some times. So i second shenzhennifer, a stroller is a must.
thanks for both of your suggestions. I will definitely bring the stroller then since we also want to do the Floral Expo which is sprawling with acres of lands to walk around. On top of the typical baby items like diaper, bottles, formula and etc, I am also gonna bring the following items:

1. a plastic bowl with cutlery to feed him solid
2. a pair of scissor for cutting his food in bite size
3. milton bottle sterilizing tablets (came across them in ParknShop but haven't actually used; looks so much more convenient than bringing the whole bottle of cleansing liquid)
4. baby cereal that I used to feed him when he turned 6m, hopefully he still likes it then I will be able to get by with 2 bottles of formula a day, 1 cereal, then the rest either just our food cut small, bread, cookies and whatever we find that is suitable for him
5. swimming diapers (we will spend 1 night at a hotspring resort so we will definitely let him try it out~)
6. anything else?

Once again thanks much for sharing your experience!