Time difference when travelling


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I'm taking my 3 months old to UK and don't know what to do in terms of feeding and sleeping time with the time difference between here and there. She has set into a routine since about 1 month ago, I would hate to get her all mixed up, afterall we're only going for a week! But if we stick with HK time, then I dont' think people are going to see much of her, as she will be sleeping most of the time during the day! Any advice is welcome.
Don't worry, she'll be just fine, my daughter and I went back to the UK when she was 5 months old and she didn't have any problem eating or sleeping. And when we came back to HK in Nov 2003, she didn't have any problem either, it might vary from baby to baby afterall all babies are different from one another. But I think babies are more adaptable than adults, and they won't have their biological clock set up properly until they're older.