Taking water for formula through security at airport and into Australia


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Hi, I am taking my baby who is formula fed to Australia soon. Can I take boiled water for the formula
(1) through the airport security; and
(2) into Australia?

Will I have to pre-mix the formula and water?

Many thanks.
I was told that I could purchase water after I cleared security and customs at Mannings inside the airport and that I could bring it on the plane. I was traveling to the US and the United agent at check in said I'd have to go through additional security at the gate b/c it was a US bound flight. She told me to tell the United gate agent that I needed the distilled water. I went through customs then bought water from Mannings but they didn't have distilled water, only spring water. Nevertheless, it was confiscated at the gate and I was told that there was purified water on the flight. I made a big stink about it but they would not let me in with it. So I definitely don't recommend premixing your formula before going through in case you have to throw it out. I don't think you'll have to go through additional security since you are going to Australia but you won't be allowed to bring water in through the main security checkpoint at all so don't even try it.
I have travelled out of Hkg to many countries (U.S, Australia,Europe,Asia) with my daughter and I usually carry a flask of hot water and I filled the baby bottles with boiled water. So far I haven't had any problems with security in Hkg at all each time I travel. For flights to U.S or Australia, they have another security check at the airbridge just before you board the plane, but that is not a problem as well for me with carrying the water. My guess is as long as the water is in the baby bottles,and they see that you are travelling with a baby,then it should be fine.
Yes, I have taken pre-boiled water from London to NYC and then I took 8 bottles on from NYC to HK. The bottles are already filled with water. I used larger bottles and brought smaller empty ones in case I needed more, I could just redistribute them to mix with formula. Some security asks you to taste it, but for the most part it's no problem.
We went to Singapore in July and they wouldn't let D take his water bottle through. Even though he took a sip in front of the customs officer they asked us to spill the rest. Singapore/ Phuket were a bit more relaxed with kids.
I went to Sydney a few weeks ago and they confiscated all the water bottles they could find at the additional security check at the bridge even though I told them it was for the baby's formula and was holding the baby. I managed to get a bottle of Evian from business class whilst on board to make up baby's formula. If you were taking milk on board, it might be okay because you are allowed to bring milk and baby food.

Leaving Australia nobody checked and I brought a few bottles of water onto the plane.
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I've never had a problem with water / EBM / made up formula in Aus, NZ, UK or Europe. But it does sound like it's the luck of the draw! In the UK, Security made my husband actually taste the made up formula in front of them... Ran out of water on a Virgin flight to Australia and they gave me Evian to use also (Volvic is also ok to use for formula)
We took our son to Singapore and no problem with his flask of Hot Water. Will be going to Australia next year will see how things go there. For India flights they have additional security at the gate here in HK and they let us take the hot water in. While coming back from India this time they made a fuss and My husband was angry and he asked to speak to the supervisor and then they let us take the hotel water flask to the flight

i totally agree with patts. I also travelled with my 20 mths daughter to Melbourne last mth. I carried a flask of hot water and I filled 3 baby bottles with cold boiled water (i carry them in see through plaster bags with milk power). And I didn't have any problems with security in Hkg. For flights to Australia, they have another security check at the airbridge just before you board the plane, and I didn't have any problems. Water should only be baby bottles, otherwise they will confiscate the water bottles i.e. WATSONS.
And in case you're out of luck, don't worry cause they will provide water to you on the plane (i didn't carry sufficient water on the way back from Melbourne). The only problem is you have to get them before take off/landing cause air hostess aren't suppose to leave their sits.

Good luck!
hi there,

we travelled to sydney a couple of months ago and had no problems with bringing cool boiled water in baby bottles with us on the flight. in fact, hong kong security staff were really helpful and understanding and even let us take through watsons bottled water as they assumed that was also for the baby! on the way back from sydney, also no problems. the airport security rules in hong kong and australia both clearly state that baby products are exempt from the 100ml liquid limit.

I've not had a problem taking pre-boiled water (already in the baby's bottles) through security screening in HK or Australia. I always overfilled them slightly in case I was asked to taste them, but never was. I've also taken small cartons of UHT milk (about 200 mL per carton) through for my toddler without problem.