Hi, I don't have many symptoms either.
For the first month or so I had lots of twinges and tweaks but that has been about it. My breasts got bigger very quickly but have stayed the same since. I was terribly terribly tired for the first 8 weeks but no morning sickness (until recently - week 12 - but seems to be abating).
Since around week 10 I haven't really felt pregnant at all. I am 13.5 weeks now. Not showing either, just acquiring fat. Worry did cross my mind from time to time but I figured that if something had happened (like a miscarriage) then I most definitly would have known about it, so it must be fine. Having said that, I did schedule an appointment with my private doctor for an ulstrasound just a week and a half before my appointment at the public hospital where I will have another ultrasound....partly because I have a good relationship with my doctor and feel I can ask him more questions, but also partly just to double-check that everything was still alright!