symptoms or lack of


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I'm 9 weeks, and had last US at 7 - don't really have any major symptoms. Breasts are tender, a little cramping but that's it. I've read so many forums about m/s - and just worried now. I don't want to go back to get u/s as I just got one. Anyone had same worry?
Hi, I don't have many symptoms either.

For the first month or so I had lots of twinges and tweaks but that has been about it. My breasts got bigger very quickly but have stayed the same since. I was terribly terribly tired for the first 8 weeks but no morning sickness (until recently - week 12 - but seems to be abating).

Since around week 10 I haven't really felt pregnant at all. I am 13.5 weeks now. Not showing either, just acquiring fat. Worry did cross my mind from time to time but I figured that if something had happened (like a miscarriage) then I most definitly would have known about it, so it must be fine. Having said that, I did schedule an appointment with my private doctor for an ulstrasound just a week and a half before my appointment at the public hospital where I will have another ultrasound....partly because I have a good relationship with my doctor and feel I can ask him more questions, but also partly just to double-check that everything was still alright!
you should NOT be showing at only 12 weeks *unless you are really underweight*... remember at 12 weeks, the baby is the size of a jellybean!

some women feel no symptoms at all during pregnancy.
some women feel symptoms for only parts of the pregnancy.
some women feel symptoms for the ENTIRE pregnancy.

i say, count yourself lucky!
Once when I was 7 weeks pregnant with my son, my symptoms disappeared for a day. I was so freaked out, thought I was going to miscarry again so I had to a scan to make sure it was ok. At 9 weeks, had a bunch of cramps, off to the hospital for another scan!!
I know your worry. It`s like we WANT to feel like crap, just so we know we`re pregnant, then if we feel like crap, we wish we didn`t:)
You might just be one of the lucky ones, or you might feel worse later. Anyway, you`re almost out of the woods:)
I was feeling pretty horrible for a while, and then suddenly around week 7, I didn't feel so bad anymore. In addition to that I started experiencing some pain and pretty consistent brown spotting. I really started freaking out, and the Internet only provided conflicting information. I called good ol' Mom and she said that she only experienced one day of nausea--that was it. Other than that, she said she felt fine. She also said that she had a lot of spotting. She assured me that some bodies learn to cope with the high levels of hormones quicker than others and that 12 weeks isn't some magic number--it will happen when it happens.

I still went to the doctor to have things checked out. It was very reassuring to see the heartbeat again and find out that the little one is measuring at 8 weeks (last us was at 6 weeks).

Still can't help but worry though : ) Probably won't stop anytime soon!
i was so sick during my first pregnancy i lost over 20lbs in the first trimester. i didn't show until after week 22!!! i lost so much weight, people thought i'd lost the baby and stopped asking how it was going.

i wouldn't wish anyone THAT kind of pregnancy. i couldn't even tell hubby how to cook something for himself, i'd start was truly awful...

I'm 8 weeks and also no real symptoms other than tender breasts. I was worried too last week because all of my friends with babies had really bad symptoms when they were pregnant.
However, I had a second ultrasound on Monday and saw the heartbeat for the first time. I was so nervous before but now I'm a lot calmer. My doctor seemed really confident and said we could relax a bit now which was reassuring.

I'm counting myself lucky that I've escaped any bad symptoms so far, I hope you can too.

Cherina x