Swine Flu - what precautions are schools taking?


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Hi, I have been in the UK for the last month, and due to return to HK at the weekend, with my kids back to school as soon as they are over jet lag.

I was interested in how the schools have been advised to deal with the potential swine flu pandemic, and what precautions they may be taking.

Just interested in preparing myself.

Letters have/should be sent home with every student to advise parents on prevention methods. Extra cleaning of facilities, and monitoring of student sickness should now be taking place in schools. The Education Bureau have also announced that all schools will close if one case of swine flu is confirmed in HK (although teachers may still need to attend).
In addition to increased school, home and personal hygiene, our school requires us to record down daily temperature readings of our kids, and let them know asap of any cases of fever or admissions to hospital.
Any kids which show signs of not feeling well (even if no fever) will be sent home, and should not return to school until symptoms have cleared plus another 2 rest days.
is it true? even one case confirmed and all school will be closed??? That will be so great if yes, as I am so worried about it. Now that one case is confirmed (just got a txt msg announcing that), so we simply stay home from Monday until further announcement and instruction?

Letters have/should be sent home with every student to advise parents on prevention methods. Extra cleaning of facilities, and monitoring of student sickness should now be taking place in schools. The Education Bureau have also announced that all schools will close if one case of swine flu is confirmed in HK (although teachers may still need to attend).
Little Monster,

They announced that schools will remain open.

"Noting normal public activities such as school classes and economic activities can continue as usual, he urged people to enhance measures to guard against the virus."

1st H1N1 case confirmed in HK
I just wanted to voice a kudos to the HK government for doing such an outstanding job with their precautions. Unlike how it was with SARS (now THERE was imminent cause for concern) they are issuing prompt reports to the public and we're all in the loop. Everything from the quarantine quarters to the speed in which they're handling this has impressed me...its especially reassuring as I'm pregnant again and can't have Tamiflu if god forbid, I'd ever need it.

It's a stressful time for us all but I'm thanking my lucky stars that it's HK we live in, with adequate medical care and support should a community level outbreak occur. But enough of that..I'm thinking positive for now...as there still is reason to
Thanks for everyones replies. Nashua852 - I have to agree with you. I have just been reading the latest updates from the Governments Centre for Health Protection. I am amazed at how careful they are being and also how transparent they are being with the detail on the actions being taken.