Swine Flu Jab


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I have been told, because I am traveling, to get the swine flu jab, however, no one seems to be able to tell me where - it's not available privately, but as a resident, can I walk to a hospital here and get it? and which one? (for the birth I have taken the private route, so am not registered at any of the local places).
As to my knowledge the vaccine is not yet available in HK. It's supposed to come this month. Flu season here is generally in Jan / Feb, so later than in other parts of the world where large number of people are being vaccinated already. Also the government cancelled a previous order ... not sure why, so that's why we're still waiting ... you may be able to get it in the country you're travelling too. My parents had it in Europe ...
I had it in Australia, but they didn't have a children's version available at the time (October 09).
Thank you!
I might try to get it in the UK then, though it seems almost pointless, when I'm only there for 5 days - I'd imagine the immunity takes a while to kick in.
My doctor mentioned it was here in Hong Kong on Dec 21. But she still was unsure as where you could get it. Would be nice to know though!
It is available in SIngapore, but not for children as there's no epidemic in SG and the data is not out yet from the US where they did give jabs to infants. Singapore is a country always playing it safe and waiting for the data to come back with any possible major side effects. The jab is recommended for high risk people and those that travel a lot.
Canada had the swine flu vaccine..and priorty groups got to get the vacine first. But many ppl did not want to get it because it has not been tested much since they made it in such a rush....I had it and was feeling crappy for a day or two from the side effect. My baby wasn't old enough to get it at that time, now she is 6 months and is old enough, but i think i'll just pass for her since our whole family got the vaccine... The vacine for pregnant women is safer as it is unadjuvnated and it has been tested....i guess the ontario gov't wanted us to test out the vacine for them!