Swap Tutortime for Kingston


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hi all!

Seeking some advise and opinions. My son is 13 months old and currently attends Tutortime playgroup and he had just been accepted by Kingston for this August. Should I swap TT for kingston? Anyone with kids attending either one or had experience with both?

Is it true that if your child attends an international kindergarten, he or she will not be able to get into a local school?

Many thanks, any input will be great.
tutor time is a 'playhouse', not properly set up as a school (based on their faculty, facilities & operation experience). kingston, in comparison will be better. yet, in terms of their facilities, is pretty limited due to their land availability in kln tong. yet their faculty is pretty good though.
Both Kingston and Tutortime are international streams, so it's better if you can decide what stream is best for your child. If you decide to go to a local, then it is better if you find a kindergarden that will help your child adapt to local schools.
tutor time is a 'playhouse', not properly set up as a school (based on their faculty, facilities & operation experience).

I do not agree. Just because Tutor Time provides a fun learning environment and is able to make learning fun does not mean that they are a "playhouse." Young children learn best when they are having fun. My son has been going there since he was under 2yo and he is now in K2. TT's curriculum is very well-rounded and I have yet to come across other curricula that are as "balanced" across different disciplines.
agree with Buckeroo. TutorTime is actually extremely structured and well run. My son is 16 months and has been going to their TAG program in Redhill since 12 months and honestly, I love how they run the program. My son is always engaged, in small classes and loves his high-energy teachers. He is also exposed to activities that I cannot offer to him at home. I love the songs they sing and the things they teach him are practical and appropriate for his age.
yeah, actually my friends also brought their sons and daughters to tutortime. I've registered my baby to go for the playgroup, up until kind.1, then i'll change to another local stream kindergarden. I like Tutortime, 'cos they make learning fun, the kids loved it according to my friends.