Surviving the 2WW


Registered User
We've TTC #2. The 2 week wait (2WW) to know yes/no is getting to me. The first 13 days are bearable as long as forget about it and keep busy. When I have free time I start analysing every possible sign that could point to pregnancy. A little backache, tiredness, sore/tender breasts. It becomes magnified approaching the day my period is due. To be safe I tell myself it's just PMS but deep down I hope that I'm pregnant. The morning of day 14 is unbearable to test or wait that is the question. To test and get a negative result could be devistating but not to test is agonising!!! In the age of instancy (made up word) we can get almost everything done immediately. Information, shopping and payng bills without leaving your home. I know conceiving is a natural process and a miracle but I'm still human being with the desire to have ( have, have and now, now). So anyway I tried to rationalise not taking the PT just this morning (2WW over) I couldn't so I decided to take it. And talk about no mercy, after the long long 2WW it took 5 secs to give me a single line at the completion window. No time wasted just like a slap in the face. Instant answer I tell you, an instant no you're not pregnant. Maybe my period is late (hoping it doesn't come) or maybe I will test again in a few days.

Just wanted to share my experience with other mums who are also TTC. I'm sure you have been through it or are going through it too. Please share your experiences on how you survive the 2WW. Any tips would be great!!! I am still hopeful though!!!
Hi Mai,

I smiled as I read your msg. You describe EXACTLY how I feel too. There is really nothing much we can do about this 2 ww.What to do? The most we can do is just to share with ppl who knows how it feels like, writing in this forum.. and console each other.. :) Yeah, keep busy and try not to think. But when I feel my AF coming,, the symptoms.. cramps.. I feel sad. And when AF is not here yet, I have some hope.. hope.. hoping this is the month.. This is it.. Also, start thinking, if this is the month, my BB will be born in July,? Summer? Good.. He or she will be a Leo.. how is Leo kids like?
Maybe God just wants to test our patience.. if we can pass His 2ww test.. God, we are patient ,, lots of patience needed to be good mothers.. We have lots of patience, please let us have good , healthy babies..
Lots of baby dust to us all.
Hiya, another 2ww here. I hate this waiting. You can't drink or at least you shouldn't. You shouldn't do any high impact workouts. I feel I'm just eating and getting FAT. I just want a :BFP and it will all be worth it.

:babydustb to all
Have fun with your LO in the mean time and enjoy playing (easy said then done sometimes)
My period came on time yesterday. So next month will be the month!!!! I think we'll get scientific. I have some Davids OPK we will give that a try and see if we can narrow down "the peak days". Am ready to get down and dirty ;p
Now I'm starting to cherish our baby daughter even more since TTC#2 is not as instant as we thought. I watch her take her steps more confidently each day and anxiously wait for her first words. I realise she is a miracle!!!

Goodluck to you. I know the 2WW is a long time. I feel for you!!!
its crazy isn't it. after 12 months of TTC #2 (admittedly the trying was very sporadic at times) I finally got a :BFP a few weeks back and discovered I was 7 weeks pregnant. I had a scan back then to confirm dates and am now waiting VERY anxiously for the 12 week scan. My friends have had such heartache with miscarriages in recent months that I am so nervous I can't enjoy it fully just yet. the wait is killing me!! feels like the 2WW used to feel...11 days to go and counting....

Hang in there everyone!
Hey Mai. Glad to see you can still put a smiling face on. Using the OPK's is a good idea. I know what you mean about your daugher. The longer I am TTC#3 the more I am convinced that my boys are miracles which helps on the days I am in a battle of wills with my 2 year old....

Congrats aussie mum.
One week down and one to go.

Mai - you go girl!

AussieMum - congrats to you.

Have a good weekend girls. Hope we get some more :BFP soon. :grouphug:
Just got back from BKK. After flying alone with 13 month old. I am questioning if TTC#2 is a good idea. What the heck will give it a go. It's nearly time to use OPK. Let the games begin. Wish me luck ;p

How are you doing? I am crossing fingers and toes for you!!!

Thanks. You are very lucky!!!! But keep TTC#3 I am cheering you on!!!
Dear All,

I'm still pumping my milk to feed my 4.5 months. My period has not returned yet. Is it possible for me to ovulate or even pregnant. I am desperate to make our children's ages as close as possible so they can grow up together and I can go back to resume my demanding career ASAP.
Anyone ever try the #2 during lactation?