Sudden price change at Matilda Hospital- Can they do this?


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Dear Ladies,

I received an email from Matilda's admissions office today, telling me that they have changed the maternity package (=the price). Now, this is just a day AFTER I paid the HKD 20,000 deposit fee. According to their new price list, all the room costs went up by HKD 2,000~3,000, including other costs such as epidurals.

They tell me that this is the norm in Hong Kong (and is it??) and they even mentioned in their information sheet that the prices can increase without prior notice. Even so, they quoted me a different (lower) price when I visited for a tour 1 month ago, and also never told me that the price would change when I called them to pay for the deposit two days ago.

My husband and I are quite upset about their approach and think they do not respect their patients/customers. We had done alot of research and given much thought on the hospitals here in HK, since this is our first child, and to be told AFTER we have paid the deposit that they have increased the price suddenly and that we can't do anything about it, does not make any sense. In the big scheme of things, the price difference may not be that big, but they still ought to have given us some prior notice. We feel cheated.

For those of you who received the price quotations just a few days or weeks ago, be aware that the prices have changed - Today.
I am surprised they didn't inform you their rates are going up. They revise them every summer.

Well, the part where it says that the price is valid until Aug. 31st is not indicated in the document Matilda provided us nor was it mentioned by any of its staff.

If I were you and I wasn't informed that the prices would change from September, given the fact that I am to deliver in Sept., I would be pretty upset. It's not the price difference that really affects me, but their approach towards their patients/customers and their unprofessionalism.
Pretty cheeky to not tell you that the prices were changing if you spoke to them 2 days before the change when you paid the deposit. I can understand that you would feel cheated.

However, I think given they are a private establishment (not sure what Matilda mean when they call themselves "not for profit"??! At those prices surely they are making a profit! :) ) they can change the prices from time to time. All the private doctors do that as well although I think that if you have started a package with one of the private doctors then that package price does not go up (at least for their part of the price of the delivery).