"Simply Lily" silicone nursing pads


Registered User
I have been given a pair of these silicone nursing pads and am wondering if they are as good as they sound.... supposedly they maintain pressure on the nipple that prevents milk leakage, rather than soaking up the leak like the regular breast pads do.

Has anybody tried them? Is it a good idea to actually stop the leak?

They were given to me by a friend in the US who said they are all the rage over there, but I saw them in B2B too.

I've read about them, too, and read that it's perfect to use to go swimming. Anyone with personal experience?
Lilly Padz

Very good, much better than the fabric ones. But if you use them too long can cause issues with engorgement and maybe mastitis. They are almost invisible under tee-shirts and close fitting fabrics too.