Some of the things in that article are well known facts...increased estrogen levels, with their associated issues fr men, for example, but I fear some of the article is fear mongering. For example, the suggestion linking soy with cancers in Japan is totally misleading. Japanese suffer form higher esophageal and liver disease, for example, because of their cigarette smoking and over drinking, like Koreans. Many cancer victims are living in toxic area like Hiroshima and Nagasaki which are still, 60 years after the A bomb, radioactive. Soy has little or nothing to do with the cancers Japanese suffer from. And the idea that soy is bad because the herbicides used on them is ludicrous. Its like saying a child is bad because he was born with FAS. By al means lobby against herbicides, but dont blame soy beans. And soy does not create allergies; but of course some people are allergic to soy. just as some people are allergic to dairy and need soy as an alternative.
Anyway, these days there are so many toxins in the water we drink, the air we breath, and on the food we eat, (unless you totally live in a bubble), if we are going to get cancer, we are going to get it whether we give up soy or not.
And I wouldn't worry about Chinese people and their calcium intake. Asians historically have not been cow milk drinkers and have gotten their calcium from other sources (such as animal bones in the broth of soups), which westerners may not eat as often as they do. So not drinking loads of milk probably doesn't hurt them.
the thing about the soy products here I hate is how much sugar they put in it. In the US, you can get soy products that are sugar free. But here, its like drinking soda pop. It totally defeats whatever health benefit they think they are getting from it.