Reading Material for Parent to Toddler.


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Curious to see what people are reading for their kids and how often.

Eldest is 2 and a half, and both daddy and him are bored of the baby books we currently have.

He is getting some reading with mummy but not in English, so need English language suggestions.

my daughter is 2 & 3 mths. she loves Dora the Explorer & they're very good stories. also clifford the big red dog have a series of books. blue clues are good too. you can go to page one, they have many many books for small children in English. some are peekaboo books (with a flap you open), or pull down books.

she's starting to love books now, so i read to her everytime we play with her - mornings & afternoons.
DD is just turned 2. We read everyday before naps and bedtime. She loves it when I read to her. I agree Dora books are excellent. She also loves the Sandra Boynton range which we started reading when she was less than a year old. We have lots of lift the flap books too. She also likes Sesame Street books. Also I buy books that suit the occasions, like at Easter I bought her a book on Christ's resurrection (we are Catholics) and Easter egg hunt, she has a baby bible, Christmas theme books etc. There are tons of choices at bookstores everywhere.
agree about festival books. i also bought easter egg hunt, christmas nativity stories or regular christmas time books, mother's day (dora has one & it's great!)
i LOVE all of Robert Munsch. he's a professional story teller in canada and so he creates the stories and tells them hundreds of times before writing them down.

some of my personal favourites:

Angela's Airplane
Stephanie's Ponytail
I Have To Go!
Thomas's Snowsuit
Love You Forever (makes me cry EVERY SINGLE time i read it!)
Something Good
David's Father

and the list goes a matter of fact, i can't think of one of his stories that i don't like... i love them all!
Our favorites were Sandra Boynton, 5 monkeys Jumping on the Bed, Bob the Builder and of course Thomas
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Caldecott Medal books & others

Every year since 1938, the American Library Association has given out the Caldecott medal for the best picture book (for little kids).

You can find a list of all the winners & runers-up if you go here:

Most of them are terrific for both small kids and the parents who read them.

I would also recommend Colin McNaughton's books (especially, "Suddenly")

Most things by Maurice Sendak - especially "Where the Wild Things Are" and "In the Night Kitchen"

Also loved Sandra Boynton's books.

Great list of books (and list os lists) from U Calgary
Excellent - thanks for the suggestions.

Next question...

Anywhere in New Territories/Mongkok that sells these books?
Keep meaning to get to Dymocks in Wanchai but quite a heavy workload at moment so prefer to spend the time with the kids.
Where to buy them

On this site, if you go to "Shop Online" and then choose "Books" and then choose "Children's Books" and then choose "award winning"

I myself usually buy them via Paddyfield <> (over HK$ 150 and the delivery is free) or else online from the US
sometimes from the used book seller and sometimes from Once or wtice I have had to go to to get what I wanted (all the Dr. Xargle books, for example)

I also buy books when I go to visit the USA, and when I am in China I also visit book stores to find decent kids books in Chinese.

In addition to Dymocks & Page One, don't forget The Commercial Press and other smaller ones.
Here are some of our favourites (many of which I rememeber having read to me as a child),

'Dear Zoo,' Rod Campbell
'We're going on a bear hunt,' Rosen/Oxenbury
'Peepo,' Janet and Allan Ahllberg (there are several good childrens books writeen by the Ahlbergs includ. 'The Jolly Postman,')
'Meg and Mog,' Jan Pieowski (there are lots in the serious about this cat and witch duo who get into all sorts of ridiculous happenings)
'Spot the dog,' (again lots of Spot books)
'The very hungry Caterpillar,' Eric Carle (Eric Carle has written many, many books for children and anything by him is pretty good)
'Guess how much I love you,' McBratney (this is a beautiful book)
'Harry and the dinosaurs,' Whybrow/Reynolds
'Can't you sleep little bear,' Martin Waddell
Agree with all the list above (I think we have them all too), would also add Julia Donaldson to the list.

Her books are fab and include ...
The Gruffalo (probably her most famous)
Monkey Puzzle,
Smartest Giant in Town,
A Squash and a Squueze
Room on the Broom

The illustrations are great and involve so much more than just what's happening in the main story. She also has rhyme books and songs. for info.

Also love the Dr Suess books as they are silly and bright.

I also found amazon as a good source for book info as they have lots of recommended 'lists' that you can take a look at.