Queen Mary public or private


New member
Hi! I'm pregnant 8weeks and seeing dr Doo and extremely happy with him. But Matilda is very far from where we live, so decided to go public. And stopped on Queen Mary. How is better to arrange everything? Public or private in QM? I still consider seeing dr doo for the whole pregnancy as trust him a lot, it's my 2nd pregnancy with him.
How much sense does it make to see dr doo, but then go through annerley and public QM? I heard annerley are great support for delivering public.
My only concern going public is that there are no private rooms and private toilet and showers and u never know how "lucky" u will be with a dr.
If we go private in QM then in some certain days dr doesn't guarantee to come. A bit lost here. Pls share ur experience and how is better to deal with it all. Insurance covers "only" 20k US$ but including all antenatal check ups and if considering private delivery we r def out way out of the budget. So need to weight all pros and cons.
Going private -scared for
Unnessecary c-section. Pleaseeee help!

You can do half-half and continue seeing Dr Doo and deliver at a public hospital. You need to make sure he's ok with this, as some Drs refuse to see patients if they don't plan to deliver with them.

The public hospitals are ok. But if you plan on private care in a Government hospital the cost is very similar to going to the Adventist/Matilda.

Have a read through this article as it should answer some of your questions:

Pregnant in Hong Kong: Public vs. Private Hospitals - Hong Kong GeoBaby

Annerley and A Mother's Touch also do free info sessions. Best to pop in and speak to them both and see what feels right for you.
Thanks a lot! Dr Doo is ok ad Aldo the first baby i didnt Delivery with him, but went back Home. He was totally ok with it. On top of all knowing My first labour was extremely fast he was totally agree Matilda is too far in My case.