Public Hospitals


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Good day Everyone,

Planning for a baby is tedious for both parents especially when it will be the first one. We are both in Canada working and would like the baby to be born in HK. Should the baby come next year how can we get a doctor in HK and a public hospital? Should we come in HK when the baby is about to be deliver?

Thank you.

Sincerely yours,

You can come as late as you are able - you won't be able to fly after a certain date. Then, just go along and register at the hospital you want to deliver at.
I seem to remember from another posting that you have HKID cards. Otherwise, you'll pay as much as any private hospital. However, do check as to the residency requirements.
Good luck.
you can't "get a doctor" at public hospitals, you get whoever is working at the time. so nothing to prepare in that respect.