Pre-school, nursery confusion


Registered User
Wise people please help me as I'm a bit confused.
Could you tell me how exacly does it work in HK? When can kids start nursery and when pre-school? Is pre-school compulsory? Is the education system any similar to UK?
I've heard so many different versions I don't know what's correct any more.
Please help.
nursery and pre-school are pretty much the same thing. nursery here usually starts around 2 years of age. then by 2yr 8m they move to kindergarten. the locals have 3 years of kindergarten.

BUT, it COMPLETELY depends upon which system in which you wish to enroll your child. every system has their own requirements.
Thanks for your reply.

So do you know what requirements would I have to meet to get my kids into school with UK system???
you need to research which schools you want. i believe kellet is the only school that follows the UK curriculum. from what i know, they have a HUGELY long waiting list (as do most international schools).

ESF and many others follow the IB programme. if you are interested in that, then i would search their website. I am sure there is more information online about them.