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Hi There,
I had posted a thread Transient Synovitis.However i did not receive any comments on it.I guess thats coz most of us are unfamiliar with it.I was unaware of it myself till a couple of days.
I had taken my 23 monthold son to the park where he played and ran to his hearts content came home had a good night sleep.But the next morning when he got up from bed he could not walk well.My husband and i was shocked.he was literally limping.Every few steps he wud fall of or grip something for support.
He din seem to be in anypain at all. We took him to his doc who said everythn is fine. We went on to show 2 more doctors coz we were completely shattered.
This condition that lasts for 2-5 days is called transient synovitis. It occurs in some children anytime from birth to 10yrs.there is however nothn to fear abt.
Today is the 5th day and my son is back to normal by the grace of good god.
If at all anyone comes across this please don panic as its alright. It will be in a few days.its also called growth pain and some children feel pain unlike mine.
I hope this thread has helped
I had posted a thread Transient Synovitis.However i did not receive any comments on it.I guess thats coz most of us are unfamiliar with it.I was unaware of it myself till a couple of days.
I had taken my 23 monthold son to the park where he played and ran to his hearts content came home had a good night sleep.But the next morning when he got up from bed he could not walk well.My husband and i was shocked.he was literally limping.Every few steps he wud fall of or grip something for support.
He din seem to be in anypain at all. We took him to his doc who said everythn is fine. We went on to show 2 more doctors coz we were completely shattered.
This condition that lasts for 2-5 days is called transient synovitis. It occurs in some children anytime from birth to 10yrs.there is however nothn to fear abt.
Today is the 5th day and my son is back to normal by the grace of good god.
If at all anyone comes across this please don panic as its alright. It will be in a few days.its also called growth pain and some children feel pain unlike mine.
I hope this thread has helped