PIPS Kowloon - is pre-nursery accompanied?


Registered User
Trying to find out if the pre-nursery class (2 to 3 years old) at PIPS Kln is "accompanied" (ie mum/helper goes with them) like their playgroup is or whether the toddlers go by themselves?

I can't find anything clear on the website. On their playgroup form (which we go to) you have to nominate who the accompanying adult will be. You don't have to do this on the pre-nursery class. Does that mean that the mum/helper doesn't have to go with them to the class?

Thanks in advance!
Not sure about the one in kowloon works the same, but the branch at fotan called the N1 as playgroup,5 days a week, about 3 hours a day,morning session or afternoon session. For admission, the children need to have interview just like a normal pre-nursery procedure. And wear uniforms to school, no helper/moms are accompanied, maybe only for the early week. I know the term 'playgroup' is a bit confusing.