Pediatrician/Dermatologist nothing helps


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I have a 1 year old daughter and since she's like 3 months old she has A LOT of rashes and spots on her whole body (esp. face, arms and legs).
I went to several doctors and specialists but their only diagnose was that it is due to the weather here in HK...

I even tried Chinese medicine, and it doesn't help.
I am starting to feel bad and very concerned for my little girl as she's always scratching herself. The consequence of this being a lot of cuts and wounds!

So if someone could tell me what I should do or to whom I should go for advise/help that would be great!

It sounds like eczema.Surprised that nobody gave you a diagnostic...
If it is eczema it s quite often related to allergies, maybe get an appointment with an allergist,(Dr Wu in Prince s building is good)
My son has had eczema since he was 1 months old.He s now 4 and we re just starting to see an improvement.
He has LOADS of allergies and asthma.
Unfortunately I have no miracle answer . Cortisone cream is the only one that would get rid off big flare up. keep her skin moisturized with a good emolient cream. Watch out for the laundry products you're using(powder is better for skin problems, NO perfume etc)
We use special garments and gloves at night so he can t scratch. you can get them from this website

good luck it s a long battle
I really feel your pain, as my baby is almost 9 month old, and has had eczema since he was 1 month old.

I don't really have many advises, other than you may have to try different things to find what may work for you baby. If you baby problem is dry skin, you may start with the moisturizer. Don't bath him for too long or on water that is too warm. Use plain water, or try using bath oil (like Oilatum). Different people have good result using different moisturizer (AI Cream, QC Cream, Aquous Cream, Calendula Cream, etc...) I have mostly tried them all, and none of them worked for my baby.

We have been with pediatrician, dermatologist, and even an allergologist, who suggested me to stop breastfeeding, since the baby may have an allergy reaction to something that is on my diet.... So if your baby is formula fed, you may try switching to a soy base formula or other kind of low allergy formula. If your baby is breastfed, then your wife may try changing her diet (may start switching to a cow milk free diet and see how things go)

Good luck!... Really nothing has worked for us.. only the steroid cream....
Thanks for your replies!

I have also tired many different creams, but it is still the same.

Our daughter is formula fed, I tried to change milk powder to see if there would be any difference but same result.

I am planning to make an allergy test, who tests 96 different kinds of food. It is in Causeway Bay. Has anyone tried this before ?

Penelope: Can you please tell me where Prince's building is ? Thanks
Wu, Adrian
Room 1428, Prince's Building
10 Chater Road,
Central, Hong Kong
Telephone: 2818-0180
Fax: 2688-2266
Office Hours: Mon - Fri: 10:00AM - 1:00PM; 3:00PM - 6:00PM; Sat: 10:00AM - 1:00PM
Hospital Affiliation: Adventist, Matilda, St. Paul's, Hong Kong Sanatorium, Canossa
Education: MRCP(UK), FHKCP FHKAM (Med
I forgot to say wet wrapping works well.(Google wet wrapping for eczema) basically cover her with moisturizing cream then put on special clothing (see in the website i gave earlier they have wet wrapping products) 1rst layer has to be wet 2nd layer dry. it helps to lock in the moisture on her skin. we used to do it at bedtime when he was younger he s not as cooperative now...
Actually we went to Dr Wu. But as your baby is formula feed, there is no point on doing a food allergy test. We did because my baby is breast feed, so he indirectly eat whatever I eat. But for your baby, there may probably be one possible food allergy source: Cow milk ...... But Dr Wu will tell you that milk cow allergy cannot be tested.....

He may suggested to try an hypoallergenic formula, like Nutramigen, from Mead Johnson.
If your daughter is 1 year old, I would still do a food allergy test - because it may be what she is eating that is contributing to the allergy. However, I would discuss it with the doctor before giving her the test.
You could try IMI for allergy test, I've had a few friends who have gone there and highly recommend Dr. Sonal

Integrated Medicine Institute
17/Fl., Kailey Tower
16 Stanley Street, Central, Hong Kong
Tel (852) 2523 7121 Fax (852) 2537 1833

My 4 month old also has eczema, we are trying to get him on soy formula to see if there is a difference but he is not taking it well! Any other formulas can the moms recommend?? If his eczema doesn't get better after 6 months then we will look into IMI as well.