Paediatrician review : Dr Joseph Pang [thumbs down]


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I just want to share my experience with our visit with Dr Joseph Pang. We recently took our 1 week old for her first check up with Dr Pang whom we were introduced to at the Adventist hospital as our default paediatrician. He seemed ok enough so we thought we would give him a try. Upon arrival of the clinic everything seemed great. Even though the consultation was brief we were satisfied as it was a general check up. The problem is what happened afterwards when the nurse took us into another room to 'show' us how to clean the umbilical cord. The nurse's rough handling of bub's cord surprised me though I didn't say anything as I am a first time mother and thought maybe that's how it's supposed to be done to get it cleaned properly. She then wrapped the nappy back on and off we went. To my dismay, when we went home to bath our bub her whole bottom was red from how tight the nappy was wrapped (like when someone tied a rubber band on their wrist for too long). And the cord bled a lot more than usual that afternoon. These are minor things but I felt the need to call the clinic and bring it to their attention. The next day, Dr Pang returned my call but instead of an apology, I was told (in short) that his nurses are all registered and highly paid and educated hence know what they are doing. Newborns' nappies are supposed to wrapped up very tight and their bottoms go red especially when you go out. The umbilical cord was handled the way it was in order to clean it properly. In his over 20 years of working in Central he has never received a complaint like this and that if I think his nurses are so bad that I shouldn't go back to see him.

As I have mentioned, I am a first time mum and don't know everything about my child and her health but I do expect my paediatrician to be caring and professional enough to guide me towards a better understanding on how to look after my bub. I don't want to jump the gun and over-react but this is my story and you can judge for yourself if you want to spend HK$1200 for this kind of service for you and your bub.
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Joseph Pang was also the paeditrician who "paired" with my OB (Philip Ho) and as I needed a paeditrician to stand by for my c-section, I was given his contact info by my OB's office. I had heard from other sources that je is arrogant so I chose to go with a different pediatrician, Maurice Leung. So far we have been quite happy with him altho his practice is also extremely busy (and equally pricey).
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just google him with geobaby engine then you'll know how 'famous' he is. we used to take our baby there, luckily enough we realised he's definitely not a baby friendly doctor after a few visits.

Sorry about your experience but it's not too late to say bye to him n his friendly crew
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FYI if you're looking for someone in Central-Leo Chan, an old kiddy friendly pediatrician, he's expensive but at least worth the money and does a good job with my kid as well as our friends' little ones
I did not see Dr Joseph Pang before but had been to this clinic seeing another Dr. I must say the nurses are quite rough with my baby that is only about 2 weeks old. They just press her head on one side and demonstrate to me how to clean her nostrils. My baby scream and cry terribly. :(
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I also go to the Dr Pang & Dr Wong's clinic with my two children and have been going there since my first was born two years ago. Dr Wong was at the delivery of both my babies. I have had a great experience with him and found him to be an exceptionally caring and kind doctor. I have also found the nurses to be professional at all times and never had an issue with them in all my visits. They are busy, but that seems to be the case with a lot of doctors here. When I have needed to ask a question out of hours Dr Wong has always responded to my pager message in less than 5 minutes.
Love Dr. Thondup. We didn't see him early on as we went to through the public system for the early's FREE! My friend referred him to us and we decided to meet him just to have a pediatrician if we ever need one. He's in the Bank of America tower. He's very friendly and the nurses are nice too. Also Yvonne Heavyside does the well baby clinics weekly and she's amazing!
yes, the nurses at Joseph Pang and Steve Wong's office are absolutely two of the rudest nurses i've ever met. And Dr. Pang is definitely rude and abrupt as any doctor I've seen. Yesterday while i was waiting before we get called, I sat there and watched this one grumpy nurse. She never smiled once as the patients came in and greeted her. There was one mommy who i was very impressed with, she came in with two kids. For the few times that she exchanged words with this grumpy nurse, she smiled and was joking with her too. This nurse never even so much as give her a grin, much less a smile. The nurses treat the patients and kids as guards treat prisoners in jails, condescending, rude, and abrupt. The only good thing in this clinic is Dr. Steve Wong. he's quite patient and nice. he should find a better doctor to partner with.
I too went with my 6 week old for a check up. I was alone and had trouble finding parking and I rang to apologize and let them know that I was onmyway and that I would be 10 minutes late. The nurse said briskly on the phone, " yes, well ..." as if to say " what do you want me to do about it?" which irked me a little as I thought I had done all I could to be courteous. Got there and apologized again and the nurse said somewhat smugly, " well, you are just going to have to wait."

Honestly, I never expected not to have to wait, but I don't need to be told in such a condescending manner. Perhaps I am used to the courteous nurses at dr Philip ho's, or the courtesy I expect of my nurses at my own practice, but this sort of attitude would only drive patients away, as I now consider whether I want to continue to see Dr Wong, whom I do really like.
In their defense could it be a language/culture issue? I have been going there for 3 yr to see dr Wong. I speak chinese to the nurses they are certainly the no bullshit kind but they are nice enough and efficient and knowledgeable.
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My daughter has been Dr. Wong's patient for many years. I find that Dr. Wong is a very good doctor who is kind, patient and compassionate. My kid feels very comfortable with him each time we go to see him.
We live in the United States and come back to Hong Kong every summer. Dr. Wong was highly recommended to us by our relative and we are so thankful since our first visit. One summer in Hong Kong, my kid had stomach infection and was checked in a hospital emergency. The doctor there couldn't diagnose the symptom and my kid was discharged with the same discomfort. We then went to see Dr Wong. He prescribed the proper medicine to my kid and she started to eat and do normal activities as usual in a few days. Under the care of Dr. Wong, my kid has always been in good hands. We are so thankful for it.
Extremely rude receptionist / nurse - My wife and I had two bad experiences with a certain nurse / receptionist there . I would gladly change another doctor if not for the fact that my son has been seen by Dr Pang since birth . I hope he and this partners will realize that this kind of attitude will affect his overall business . And i did commend to Dr Pang himself about that incident and instead of apologizing , he brushed it aside on the excuse of getting on with his examination of my child. Thanks .
We had Dr Pang attend on our child's birth many years ago. All I remember was he was expensive, and we hadnt had any disclosure of his fee until the day we left the hospital (around $20k).

We are now expecting another baby. Any recommendations for a pedestrian to attend the birth and price estimate for a 6 bed ward?
All I can say about Dr Joseph Pang is that he and his band of nurses are money-hungry. Just because we didn't bring our children to him for some shots, doesn't give him permission to be incredibly rude to us. He saw that we went to public for two shots instead of visiting him and then made an ill-mannered remark "Public? Huh, good luck". I mean really?? Yes to public! At least the nurses there are NICE and know how to give shots. Same shots, but for FREE. Oh, they don't believe in eye contact either, just saying.