Pacifying Child during flight takeoff and landing


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When we travel, I normally breast feed my child when she gets fussy during the takeoff and landing of flights. She just turned 1 and I will stop breastfeeding soon and would like some tips as to what I can do to calm her if she fusses. She does not suck on pacifers so that would not help.
I would just wait to wean her until after your trip. I think it is a lot easeir to BF for the trip, the time you are away, as everything will be unfamiliar. I considered weaning my almost 2 year old before a trip we took, but waited and so glad I did, edpecially when he ended up vomiting for most of the flight and really couldn't take anything else. take off and landing wasn't so much of a problem at this age, but sleep and being sick was, BF was much easier.
I second Capital. I can?t imagine why anyone would wean before the toddler period is over. Life is so much simpler with an easy answer to the terrible twos.
Both my girls were weened by one also and we did lots of trips with them. taking off really never bothered either of them sometimes landing was a bit worse. I found a bottle (or sipy cup) of milk or water or whatever they liked during those times was fine but usually cheerios was the best! Just the chewing motion will help the ears some, and distract them! Good luck I know flying with a cranky child isn't fun!
barb, everyone has their own opinion on weaning. personally, i can't imagine bf an almost 2 year old. but i know that others do and that's fine by me.
Carang, my comments weren?t meant to offend you for weaning early ? just giving my opinion about the ease of life when a child is still nursing. I find that most people assume that breastfeeding an older baby is undesirable and that often the advantages of this situation haven?t been thought of.
i weaned my girl almost completely by 6 months. i still bf her at night for a few minutes, but that was more for my sake than hers. i weaned her because i had been trying to pump to keep enough milk stocked in the freezer while i worked and i just couldn't do it any more. i had been carting an ice-box around with me for about 3 months already.

i will say that now she is 13 months, i kind of miss bf. i can't believe that unless i can convince hubby to have another, then that's it for me. but i'm still glad that she's not bf any longer.

i wasn't offended by the comments, but i thought others might be.
I was keen to b/f my son until he was at least 12 months, but at ten months he refused to be b/f anymore.

By ten months he was tall and heavy and eating pretty much everything solids wise.

B/f was starting to turn into a battle...he just wasn't interested any longer. And I didn't want to force him or turn it into a fight, espec. as those ten months b/f had been very special to me.

Now that he is 17 months old, and almost 15 kilos, and has 12 teeth I am pretty glad he weaned himself when he did. I can't imagine b/f him now!!

I still believe the longer that you can b/f for the better, and I have every intention of b/f baby no. 2 for as long as she will let me (once she arrives that is!), but I am also now aware of the fact that everyones b/f circumstances are diff. and ultimately every baby is diff. and that it's for us to go with that!

Fortunetly my son takes a pacifier so no prob. on flights. Not that that helps the original post much!
We use the bottle, so that he swallows.
But, like Hannah's mom said, anything that will get the jaws moving with some swallowing will help relieve the ear pressure.
Thanks for the tips everyone. I would love to bf for as long as I can as it so convenient but for other reasons (business travels etc), I will probably weans her in a couple of weeks. Fingers crossed that all with go well on the flight!
One thing to remember too is that BF is not an all or none thing, you can certainly bf part time, just nights, or just when you are home or just weekends. Lots of toddlers are only BF once or twice a day. My now 2 year old who is mostly weaned didn't BF at all for about 3 days this week, then was sick so we BF at night again for a couple of days, I doubt I have much milk anymore, but it is still conforting to him , he gets a little, and lets me get a bit of sleep at night.
The last time I took LO on a trip, she was about 14 months and I gave her a lollipop to suck on during take off and landing. Maybe not the best idea when it comes to their teeth but I got that off a book and that seemed to work.