Oral electrolyte solution


Registered User
Does anyone know where you can buy oral electryolyte solution such as Pedialyte here in Hong Kong? Thanks in advance!
My baby has been having running poo since last Friday. My sis recommended me to use Pedialyte as well. Wanted if I would be able to find it in Watsons or Mannings...
We got some at Watsons once that was really disgusting, tasted horrid and was bright orange and full of bad stuff. Later we found a better one at Matilda Hospital. I also had some brought over from Europe by my Mum and have a lot left. I would be happy to send you some.
Thanks Evelyne. I bought some packets of Oral Rehydration Salt from Manning yesterday (HKD 2.5 a pack). It was orange once mixed with water (240ml), but didn't taste that bad :-). I put it on my baby sippy cup, and told my helper to let my baby drink as much as he wants during the day.... hopefully the diarrhea will be gone soon....