Need to borrow or rent a spare baby bed


Registered User
I have some friends staying home from 28 of july for 5 days. They have 2 children and I have only one spare bed. Do you know where I could rent or who I could borrow a spare bed for this few days? (I dont want to buy a 800HK$ Bed only for 5 days...)
Thanks you in advance !
Hi Alex,

I have a wooden single size maid's bed in my storeroom, it comes with a mattress, you can borrow it if you want. But i think the frame would be a hassle to transport and assemble. If only a small child will sleep on it, then he/she will be happy to sleep on the floor with a mattress. Let me know. Oh, i'm just not sure how's the condition now, it has a cover (i think) so just replace it with a clean sheet.
Thanks mama but as you say, it may be complicated to transport & assemble.
Thanks anyway to offer.
ps: I'll take this indian-waxing-lady appointment this week. I'll tell you when if you want to come !
Hi Alex,

The frame is hard to transport, but if you need a single size foam only, mine is 3-folds so you can even carry it in the bus.
Hi Alex

Still need the beds?
i'm getting 2 new or 2nd hand bed for my babies
maybe can send to your place first before coming to my house?
Dear TanyaH, mamaS & Mcvey,
Thanks a lot for your propositions but finally we have decided not to use beds. Our children's friends are 3 and 4 ans their parents told us that a matress on the floor should be fine so we are going to do that: Less complication for us and more fun for them as it will be like camp !!
Thanks anyway for your propositions.
Take care,