My Baby's Spine

OX Jess

Registered User
Hi, I suspect my baby has something wrong with his spine: whenever he sits (on his baby toilet, on his feeding highchair) his body turns right. No matter how many times do I put his straight back on, within half a minute he turns right again. However, when he stands up, he stands very straight, nothing seems wrong. Shall I be worried?

I am thinking of taking him to a doctor to examine his spine. If anything wrong is noted he can receive treatment when he is still young (9 months) or just to put my mind at ease.

But I have no clue which doctor shall I turn to? Is a pediatrician good enough or shall I take him to some specialist? Comment would be appreciated. Thanks!
I think you can wait to see, as your baby is still young, he is still learning how to sit properly. And it's not something you can change just by 'putthing his straight back on', he is learning in his own pace.

My baby girl is 16months now and she is learning how to walk. She was walking with one foot turning side way, ie her feet make a 'L' when she walks. Like what you did, I tried to turn her foot back in a correct direction, but she just turn it right back to side way. I was worried if there is something wrong with her pelvic, but later as she learns more and walks more, she turns her foot back to the right direction.

So, what I think is you can wait and see, unless you are really worried or you can see from his back that his spine doesn't look right, then you should go to the doc.
Do you have a pediatrician you normally go to or do you take your baby to the MCHC? I take my son to a pediatrician and we had developmental checks at 3 months, 6 months, 9 months and one year....if you are really worried and it would put your mind at peace, then take him to a pediatrician first to see if the pediatrician thinks that there is a problem. I really love our pediatrician and trust that she knows a lot so if she thought that there was a problem, she would then point us towards a specialist. I would not go to a specialist first.
Thanks for your comment Gladys and FutureHKmom...
Perhaps I shall wait & see and observe for a couple of months... He is due to have his one-year-old checkup in June, perhaps I shall wait till then. Yes, I have examined his spine myself when he lies with his tummy down or stands up and I can see his spine is straight. Just for some reason he ALWAYS leans right when he sits down...
just a little thing - is the high chair flat? is he looking out of the window ?? is the floor flat where his high chair is?
my bub just turned 9 months too and he used to lean on the right while sitting on his chair. i didn't put him on it for few weeks and recently, he started to sit without his hands on the floor so i put him back on the chair and voila! he is sitting upright. i'm sure yours will sit upright when he's ready. :bluebaby:
Yes, his high chair is flat and he is seated up 90?. There is no window at the dining area. And yes the floor is flat too. When he is put on his baby potty which is placed on the flat floor he also leans on his right.

Thanks Aava for assuring me. Then I shall wait & see for a few more months.