Laundry help please...


Registered User
Is there some way to do laundry in HK without all the white and light colored clothing (especially the elastic bits) turning gray? I do laundry at 90C and do separate white/light colored clothing but all the clothes still turn a bit gray, and all the elastic bits turn a dark gray. :(

Any suggestions/advice is appreciated, and sorry for this strange question.
i know it happens to me too. i notice that when we do once more rinse cycle, it helps. i also use tide with bleach, i buy it from Prizemart.
I find that my laundry looks greyer when I hang it and leave it to dry but if I tumble dry it it looks brighter. I wonder if it's the pipes as often our bath water has a funny tinge too.
Try adding Napisan to your wash, which can be bought at most Wellcome/ Park and Shops, or at Bumps to Babes.
It's a lot milder than bleach an will bring things up really bright.