Jet Lag?


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Since we returned from 2 weeks' vacation in Toronto this Monday, my 13-month boy has been sleeping unusually long hours. He seems to be tired all the time. He would be so tired he'd skip dinner altogether and just go to bed at 7:30pm and get up at 8am the next day (he did wake at 2 or 3am, played for 10 minutes then go back to sleep). His poop is also very soft and he is not taking as much solid and milk as he normally would. This is already the 5th day since we are back to HK time. Is this normal?
What are his normal sleeping hours? If he is coming down with something he could be sleeping longer because of that. my son (19 months) normally sleeps 12 hours at night and did at 13 months of age as well, so that is quite normal, but it really depends on what is normal for your child.
if he doesn't have any other symptoms, i'd think he's fine. he's probably just tired from the travelling. My daughter is 2yr 8mths. she used to sleep only 10-11 hrs every day, at night, & no nap during the day. since she started nursery this sept, she'd go to bed every other day at 4-ish in the afternoon & sleep until the next morning. needless to say, she skips dinner when she sleeps so early. (she normally sleeps at 7-ish before). besides the early bedtime, she's playing & eating normally. just tired from the afternoon onwards.

i figure her body can figure out how much rest she needs, so i just let her. it's only this week that she started returning to her normal bedtime (around 7pm) everyday. so it took her 2 mths plus to get used to staying at school without me (and she was only going to nursery 3 times a week!)
We've the Canada trip quite a few times with my daughter and it took her at least a week to get back to normal sleeping and eating everytime. When she was 1 & 2 yrs. she would barely eat and just drink alot for the first few days. but it would all sort it's self out. Always felt like it took a long time though!
hi all

the past weekend was a nightmare. My little man was sleeping the whole time (from 5pm till 8am). He had explosive yellow mash-potato like poop and I thought it was just because of teething. When he started pooping very running consistency and then watery poop and vommited, I took him to the doc. The doc said he came down with a viral infection. He has 6 teeth cutting through almost the same time and since his body is still adjusting the time difference, his immune system is a bit of the low side. The doc gave us some medication for the gastro and some powder to boost the immune system which worked like miracle (thank God!). He still refused to take his milk but at least the diarrhea stopped. He was so tired he basically slept through Sunday! Fortunately this morning he woke at 6am and crying for milk - i take that as a good sign! He is playful this morning so I think he has recovered more or less.