Itch from all kind of bites


Registered User
Wonder if anyone have any good recommendation on relieving immediate itch from any kind of bites be it mosquitos or bedbug etc.

I would like to buy it off the shelf rather than get it from doctors. I have tried various normal cream but it seems useless to me and my children.
The only thing that really works for us is ALOE VERA gel. You can buy it from Watsons and Mannings. Ask for the pure Aloe Vera gel. You do have to reaply it a few times a day, but I think its the best. My family and I are allergic to insect bites, our bites swell up and becomes very itchy and Ive tried many different things over the years but now only use Aloe vera.
I've used Bite-ease from Bumps to Babes and a real small (But expensive) bottle called Swisso....I believe also from B2babes....don't know if it works.
my daughter just got bitten badly by some bedbugs the other day. they attacked her on her eyes so i couldn't apply anything and just let the swelling disappear on its own.

so, my recommendation, is more of a prevention rather than cure:

1) clean/disinfect/change the beddings with dettol at least once a week
2) remove the bamboo sheet immediately (if any) since it is known to attract bugs
3) open the windows and shades so the room gets some ventilation and sun

it all happened after our long oversee bugs got trapped in a closed room.