Infantile (not baby) Acne - any advice?


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Dear geoparents,

My little daughther seems to have infantile acne. She is 14 months old and had slight acne for months, but now it has gotten worse, and some of the part gets red/infected.

I am naturally concerned, as true infantile acne may leave scars.
Anyone out there had similar problem? How did it get solved? Any advice on good doctor to see?

Many thanks for your inputs,

worried mum
Yes, numerous white spots, like little bumps. Some occassionally get irritated and a bit red, the whole area of cheeks is a bit red.
Thanks for any input/thoughts on that!
My son has little bumps of his face too. These are some of the remedies that I tried.

1) (Non-scientific approach) Give the baby some boiled water to cleanse the body of heatiness/ toxins. (As recommended by my neighbour... it does help a little, as the bumps seem to subside but does not completely disappear)

2) (Medical approach)The doctor prescribed a mild steroid cream (before all of you start screaming at the horror of using such 'chemicals' on a young baby... my doctor assured me that it is very safe... so fingers crossed!) It did make the bumps disappear after 3 days, so we were advised to stop applying it and maintain it by rubbing mustela oil on the affected area as well as his whole body (like a oil facial/massage) let it sink in for 1 minute then bath him as usual. Followed by Silic 15 (which you can get at Watson's) which serve as a moisturiser/barrier which prevents the lose of moisture.

After 3 applications of the mild steroid cream, my baby's face was as smooth as tofu! But some little bumps returned after a couple of weeks, but not as bad as before. So I have been using the mustela oil, silic 15 and boiled water (triple remedy) to stop it from worsening... (hopefully it will keep the spots at bay!)
Well, just FYI, we went to see dermatologist and he diagnosed keratosis pilaris - mild genetical skin disorder that should get sorted by itself. So I am pleased I did not hear the "always tune" of allergy + eczema + steroids.

My advice would be to always try a specialist (not only pediatrician) if you are not sure - that was my case.