I'm dreading chinese new year, please help

sophie parsons

New member

I could really do with some guidance and advice-what on earth am I gonna do with my 10 month old and 2 year 10 month old in chinese new year?

My helper is off for four days and I refuse to ask her to work on those days as she deserves a break, she does so much for us. My husband is too tired and stressed to help out. And schools and playgroups are shut.

Last year when I was pregnant it was hell, 4 days of hell, I was crying myself to sleep at night, my toddler was giving me hell, the weatehr was rubbish, and everywhere seemed shut.

So, my question is, does anyone know of any playgroups or playrooms that take toddlers and/or babies for a couple of hours per day during this holiday period? I cannot handle both for 4 days by myself, my toddler cannot bear me to hold the baby and just throws tantrums all the time, I need to take them somewhere where they can play and be happy.

I'm extremely grateful for any suggestions.....

here's a few suggestions:

1) playtown. there is an advert for playtown to the right of this thread, and i believe there was a thread on playtown. your toddler would enjoy it and you could play one on one with your daughter. might be best if you went with another family so your daughter could play with another friend. entry fee is very very reasonable, $100 a child, and i think your baby would be free of charge, but i am not sure.

2) hong kong park/botanical gardens/aviary
a great way to spend a few hours

3) while school is still in session, get names and numbers of mums who are in HK for the CNY and make plans to get together during the break. that's how we've survived many a time! just a change of pace, being at someones house and playing with someone else's toys makes a great time for your 2yr old.

4) when our four were very young we used to take them walking at the top of ifc during the cold months. this was a great way to get out of the house so cabin fever didn't drive me insane, yet to give them exercise.

5) the police officer's playground is always fun, your 2 yr old can drive a tricycle there if he or she has one.

as for your husband being too stressed out to help, etc...there is plenty you can all do that isn't too stressful. you can go on walks along bowen road, ferry trips to outlying islands like cheng chau...what about all the stress on you ?? if you explain your needs and when you need him to be involved with the family, he'll likely come around.

a combination of swapping playdates with friends who have same age kids and getting out of the home will keep you sane. hope these suggestions help.
Go for a walk in Tai Tam Reservoir, my kids always enjoy. I agree on HK park and the Botanical gardens. I am definitely planning to meet up with other parents who are here too.
I'll be without a helper for four days too and have no intentions of making her work during her long holiday.
Will be here for the CNY holidays too with a toddler and nothing to do so quite happy to meet for a picnic or a day out.