I am planning to breast feed but will need to feed my baby expressed breast milk once I return to work. Just wondering how many bottles will I need to purchase? And what is the best way to store expressed breast milk? Bags, bottles, other containers or a combo of the lot?
Depends on how frequently you want to wash them etc. A newborn will eat every 2-3 hours at birth, so 8-12 bottles per day. That number generally reduces to more like 6 bottles (average one every 4 hrs) within a couple of months, but every baby is different.
With expressed breastmilk, the fresher, the better - so if you have ample supply, it is better to just feed the baby fresh milk or milk from the fridge rather than freezing it. Freezing is good if you have an oversupply though. I had oversupply and rarely froze milk, since my baby was more than satisfied by the milk I had pumped just the day before. I pumped into one set of bottles and then redistributed it into the bottles she would drink from, and stored it in those in the fridge. But some people have different systems - whatever works for you.
Bottles for daily supply. If there's excess I just put in bags for freeze. As bags are not reusable, if my excess is very little I will just freeze into cubes like ice cubes to cut cost.
I pump for my baby and work full-time.
I think 3-4 bottles is enough, particularly if you have a helper at home.
I do 3 BFs a day (before and after work) and the baby gets 3 bottles a day (when I'm away).
A cost-saving tip. Skip those tiny 3-4 oz "newborn bottles" and go straight to the mid-sized ones (I think they're 6-7 oz).
The newborn ones will be useless in a few months. And a newborn can easily use a larger bottle since the nipple is the same anyway.
Ladies, how much are you able to express in total per pumping session? My girl is now almost 5 weeks old and i can only get around 90ml each time (2 breasts combined). I'll be going back to work in 2 weeks' time, planning on pumping 3 times at work, but am afraid my supply won't be enough...
yes, i used bags as well to freeze BM and thought they were great.
i expressed about 160-180 ML for both breasts. basically bottled fed EBM starting at around 3 months b/c it was just easier for me and i directly nursed at night and once in the morning to keep the supply up. i initially bought 4 bottles - 2 smaller and 2 larger. i added another 2 larger ones, making it now 6 bottles as i traveled back to the US and needed them on the flight.
I use the bottles made by medela which are compatible for my pump. I have an extra set and use those for storing fresh milk (I only keep milk in the fridge for two days but some people say up to five). Bags for freezing. I always pump just enough for my baby, and it's hard work for me. I pump one side while baby feeds from the other first feed in the morning and then pump twice at work. I'll get anywhere between 90-150ml per pumping session depending on the time of day.