How Important is Playgroup for my 9 months old boy?


New member
Hi Everyone,

I am from Vancouver, Canada,I just settled into Hong Kong and noticed there are many playgroups everywhere. I am very foreign to this playgroup concept and wonder if anyone can help me understand a bit more.

Thanks in advance.
There are lots of playgroups in the uk too. It's a chance for mums to chat about mum things and babies to enjoy each other's company. They're too young to play together but babies love watching other babies and learn *a lot* by copying them.

It also helps prepare them for the noise and chaos of nursery- especially if they are an only child.

I googled for some playgroups centres on the Hong Kong Island and found that some of them have a long waitlist? while some have lots of spaces.

Can you recommend any good ones?

Are you talking about playgroups or nursery/preschool? Most playgroups are organised by mums living in the same area and will take as many babies as they can fit on the floor! I've not heard of a waiting list for a playgroup before.
Oh, I'd call those (pre-)nurseries personally. 'Playgroups' are more informal. And free! Though different people will have different definitions.
Hi! I have the same question, how important is it? and when is a good age to start?

I have done some research and some schools out there offer lessons for babies as young as 6mths!

But i am looking at my baby now and I am really unsure if she's even ready? pls let me know if playgroups for toddlers are at all necessary? Thank you!