How does it work with HK peadeatricians? And any recommendations?


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Hi, I'm due to give birth next month and was wondering if anyone can tell me about how it works with peads in HK. Do you have to register with them beforehand? Do they come to the hospital when the baby is born? Does insurance typically cover consultations and vaccinations? What else do I need to know?
Many thanks in advance!
Are you giving birth in the private or public system? For public, they will have a pediatrician do the needful and arrange follow-up visits for consultaton/vaccinations. You can choose to go private for the vaccinations/follow-up after giving birth in public - that's what we did. Then, you just call up a pediatrician of your choice and make an appointment.

For private, each hospital might be different. At Baptist, my understanding is that they will have a pediatrician on call who will attend to the baby after delivery.

Whether insurance covers it or not depends on the plan. I'm told my husband's staff insurance will NOT cover maternity but anything subsequent to delivery relating to the baby will be covered. So even for my first baby, all his vaccinations at the private pediatrician were covered even though he didn't even have an insurance card yet. For this one, I'm looking into separating the bills relating to maternity and anything relating to treatment of the baby for insurance purposes.
Yes, pretty much summed up by Charade. If private, you could appoint your own paed or go with the one your gynaec reccomends. You could change them later for followup appointments if you want.

Coverage depends on your specific plan.