Help! Post-nap cranky toddler


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For the last month, and particularly after she gets up in the morning, my daughter throws a huge tantrum for 10 minutes.

After a good night's sleep, and a nice feed to start the day, I can't understand why she suddenly goes berserk. Lots of screaming and throwing her head back, arching her body and refusing to be consoled. I often just sit beside her while she lies on her tummy on the carpet kicking her feet and screaming.

Has anyone else had this happen, and if so, how did you deal with it. Did you find the cause?
I haven't really experienced something like this post-nap on a regular basis..but sometimes my son does it too. But I usually think he's probably not had a good night or is still hungry or just upset about something that morning ! With my son I tend to ignore his tantrums and either sit beside him like you do, quietly till it passes and he's ready to come to me. Sometimes I keep offering him something from time to time...a fav snack or book or activity. It doesn't work all the time. Probably just one of those things that don't really have a reason ! It might just stop on it's own when she sees that it's not really getting her anywhere ?
I'm starting to suspect it might be her just "pushing my buttons". On the weekend my helper got her out of bed both mornings, and I didn't nurse her until after she'd had breakast. There was no performance at all. If my husband brings her into me and I nurse her, all hell breaks loose...I hope this is a short-lived phase!
you know you could be right about the "pushing my buttons" thing ! Children do seem to try and test your patience while being complete angels with helpers or fathers don't they ? I'm seeing it a lot in my son too. Usually when I give up in despair and leave him with daddy...whatever it is (going to sleep, eating or even just wearing his clothes) it's over in no time..when I've been struggling well over an hour !
Hang in'll pass.
Cranky after wake-up

When my kids were small (~12 months - 4 years old) they would often wake from their naps very cranky, they'd just cry. I thought it was something to do w/ transitions or change of consciousness. So, I would just put them on my lap and hold them and sing to them for a while (never longer than 10 minutes, most often only 3-5 minutes).

So, it became a bit of a routine. I would sometimes tell them they didn't have to cry, they could just come out and get a cuddle (it sometimes worked that way).

It was sometimes like that in the mornings too. My son is now 6 and still comes in every morning at about 6am for his cuddles (he stopped crying when he came in about 2 years ago). He will usually cuddle w/ us for about 5 or 10 minutes and then I get him his breakfast. While he has that I go into my daughter's room and wake her up, and cuddle w/ her for a few minutes (she's 8).

It wasn't tantrums they had, just crying and they would be consoled.

Have you tried walking away from her when she has the tantrum and sitting across the room and trying to read the paper or a book while she's "doing her thing"? That sometimes helped me deal with it. Other times I would pick them up and carry them to their rooms and tell them they could scream and cry there, but I didn't want to have to listen to it (the bedroom was "baby proofed").