Restrain? As in tied him down or something? No. She had me hold him while she held his head in her lap so she could see his teeth, and he did cry and scream, but I didn't feel that she was aggressive or unkind in ANY way. She was also very positive, and did not guilt or shame me about night-nursing.
She asked me to bring him back for the fluoride treatments (which is just brushing fluoride) onto the soft teeth every three months. She was not gungho about sedating him or filling cavities at this point. She just wants to arrest the decay, protect his adult teeth as they are formed in his head, and keep an eye on his teeth until he's older. Eventually we'll have to fix the broken tooth, but she seemed to think that was a ways off as it is only chipped and he only has two teeth with visible cavities.
I think you should just go! If you need to talk about boundaries with her, she seems like someone who would understand. You should take your kid to the dentist ASAP, really. I've been putting off going for 6 months now (my son got a lot of teeth early) and look what happened!