Help! I will travel alone long distance with my 2 1/2 month old son....


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I am looking for mummies who traveld with their baby long distance.
I will go back to Europe with christmas alone (my husband will come a week later) with my then 2 1/2 month old son.
We will fly cathay pacific - economy (waiting for a miles upgrade, but because it will be fully booked the chance is low).

I tried to breastfeed, very sadly I couldn't - so I am formula feeding now and I have to take all those stuff with me....

How can you do formula feeding in a plane? Can you sterilize the bottles? Which water do you use?

What do you take home: a pram or just the baby bjoern? How to check in the pram?

How to avoid a cold? The weather will be so much colder....

Any tips are welcome!!!!!

Thanks in advance!!!

Hello, there are loads of threads about travelling on this site, have browse through. For the flight: Take your stroller definitely - you can take it up to the aircraft door, then they will give it back to you as you get off. You will probably have a couple of bags so it will be easier to walk to the plane etc with the baby in a stroller. In my experience when travelling alone with a little one the crews are always fantastic and really helpful. Apparently there is a Virgin policy of trying to leave a spare seat next to a lone parent with baby - see if you can get that, it will really help with space. Request a bassinet and you should find your baby will sleep - try and keep to any routine you already have. I sterilised my bottles at home and then took 2 bottles made up with milk, one of sterlized water and 2 empty. I found my baby drank twice as much as normal, hence nearly got caught out. The aeroplane will have boiling water - which I used to rinse my bottles before part filling them then adding cold mineral water from a bottle, then making it up with milk on the plane. It was messy and not perfect milk but the only way I could think of. I wouldn't recommend dosing with any sleep medicine at any stage particularly at 2.5 months, too many children get hyper reactions. Getting through security is a bit of a saga especially with a ton of bottles of milk, water and formula powder. I had to taste it all and once very very nearly missed my flight . Keep it in baby bottles not normal bottles and keep the formula in its box so they know what it is. Keep your bottles in plastic bags. They will leak because of the pressure. Just take lots of extra clothes and nappies and sleep when you can. Good luck.
Hi, we just flew from HK to Toronto. We as in me and my 10mth old son. The journey was do-able but like someone mentioned above you have to be prepared...that and have a sense of humour! Regarding the bottles, I just filled all the bottles in advance, (our son can drink his milk room temp/cold - we did this from the beginning with pumped milk straight from the fridge), we did not have any problems with security. For the formula, i have a dispenser that pours out the pre-measured amounts. We were lucky enough to have a whole row to ourselves, i think it would have been much harder if we only had the one seat...I requested this at check-in. usually if the flight is not full, they will accommodate you. I think it's easier with a younger baby. bring extra clothes and a blanket for surprise poop, vomit, etc. we went through all 3 sets of clothes...i brought the grobag onto the plane so it kept him warm (until he vomited on it). I also brought a sling on board to walk the baby around and so I could have my hands for toilet/eating/preparing stuff. for feeding the little one, i would suggest offering the bottle and then once more before the hour is up before you have to throw it away - only to conserve the bottles. Haha I have some pictures of our adventure up here, you can check them out if you're so inclined ;) GOOD LUCK!! You can totally do it!!
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I'd suggest you get those formula dispenser, so you don't have to mix the milk in advance. bring at least 4 bottles. i always brought a small thermos with me when i'm on the plane. so that i can ask for hot water to be put in the thermos & a big bottle of mineral water once i'm on board & the stewardess are still free. CX provide big bottle of Evian for their business class travellers, so they should be happy to spare one for you. (there are studies that small children & seniors shouldn't drink the water from the plane.) so when you've got your water (hot & cold ready) you can mix your milk anytime.

offer milk when taking off & landing to pop ears. save the grobag for getting off the plane. the 1st time i flew with bub, i regret putting her in a grobag, it was a fuss when i realise she was hot, difficult to take off when she was sound asleep. i used cotton blankets, even when bub threw up or you spill water (heaven forbid), you can easier change it. i tired to keep her regular routine on the plane (i.e. if she has one at 2.5mths) if not, just let her sleep when they turn off the lights on the plane. request bassinet, and request to have the seat next to you blocked off, but i highly doubt the possibility at high season. 2.5mths can easily fit in the bassinet & kept warm with 1 or 2 cotton blankets. the temp in airplanes are usually kept at 20-24C, so won't be that cold. do bring at least 4-6 set of extra clothes, nappies (check out the other threads for tips).

one more thing, you might be able to get a asiamiles redeemable upgrade at the HK airport.
about the coldness of getting out of the airport. i always bring the stroller, so i can carry a bagpack & put things in the basket underneath. and i always have a stroller raincover in the handcarry. london is constantly raining, so i bet high chance of it drizzling when you leave the airport. will be nice to have the raincover to protect the little one. i also wrap my daughter up warm & cozy before we exit the airport, i usually put her in those snow-overall with mitten & footies (so there's no way the cold wind gets on her skin) from mothercare or stanley. don't forget a hat to protect the little head!