Health Concerns for Newborn in Planes


Registered User
I am planning to go back to work shortly and have been a bit concerned with traveling with my baby who will be 10 weeks old when I have to resume my business trips to Shanghai (2.5 - 3 hour flights). on a monthly basis.

Many friends have said to have a baby take a round-trip flight every month would be unhealthy due to pressure on the ears and the higher risk of contracting illnesses due to the recycled air circulation in planes.

I am not comfortable to leave my baby in HK where I will not be able to see her everyday whereby in Shanghai, I would be able to stay with a relative and have her take care of the baby while I am at work.

Any comments would be appreciated!!!
I think it is up to son has travelled on aplane once every 2 months or so since he was a month old (he is now 12 months) and it has never had an adverse effect on him.
Do you know how early a baby can "fly"? We are TTC #2. Am intending to fly home to deliver 6 weeks before I'm due (back to Oz) then fly back to HK when bub is about 3-4 weeks old.
Is bub too young to "fly" at that age?
I traveled back from the UK to Hong Kong with my third baby at 18 days and the woman in the seat next to me had a 12 day old. When I asked my doctor about babies and flying she told me that it was actually safer for the baby to fly than the mother.

I traveled a lot with my fourth child (not every month but it felt like that sometimes). I think we made 12 flights in her first two years, long haul as well as short haul.
Hi- airline companies and I think most Dr. won't let babies fly before a week old but after that they will let them.

We flew when our little one was almost four weeks old and no problems. I know babies who have flown at two weeks and also no problems.