Hair cut - before or after the baby comes?


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I'm 8 months pregnant and have decided to go for the chop. Should I wait til I've had the baby and the dreaded hair loss sets in to cut it off or should I do it now? Or does it not matter either way?
I didn't have any hair loss after giving birth twice. So, I believe not everyone will suffer hair loss, and you probably won't go through that either.

But I would say have a hair cut before giving birth so that you look good on the birth photos :)

Have fun and best of luck!
I suggest having it cut before too. I sufferd hair loss for 4 months when my baby reached 4 months and dreaded washing my hair - probably another reason why short hair is best during pregnancy so that you will not notice as much hair loss if any. At the moment, there are new hair sprouting everywhere.

Definitely will cut my hair shorter for my next pregnancy!
Definitely before the baby arrives. I made the mistake of leaving it too late with our third, which meant I had to wait ages before I could get to the hairdressers...too tired, baby sleeping, me sleeping, baby awake, feeding, changing nappies, visits to the doctors etc. etc. I'm afraid your hair will be way down a very long list of things that are more important once the baby has arrived.
I had one a week before my DD was born, just a trim though. I did experience hairloss after 3 months PP, but I went for another trim around that time. This time, I plan to get mine cut before my due date too.