Hair coloring and breastfeeding


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Can I color my hair while breastfeeding? I've checked with the ped and she said it should be ok. During pregnancy my ob/gyn told me it isn't safe to do so due to the unknown amount of chemicals getting into the placenta - I wonder if that's the same for breast milk? I've seen contradicting views on the internet. I got lots of premature gray hair and that's why it's a concern for me. Any enlightenment will be helpful. Or would plant-based dye like henna be ok?
I did it. I wasn`t about to let the greys all come in for 9 months. I just used the 5 minute fast dye. Did while breastfeeding too.
Unknown amounts...exactly.
No evidence exist that the nursing mother's use of hair-care products, such as hair dyes and perms, has any effect on her breastfeeding baby. When a mother uses hair-care products, some of the chemcials will be absorbed through her skin. If her scap is healthy and intact less will be absorbed than if the skin on her scalp is scratched or abraded.
Taken from page 449 of the Breastfeeding Answer Book, third revised edition.

One thing to remember is that while pregnant your blood supply is generally the baby's blood supply as many things pass via the placenta. When breastfeeding, however, the blood supply and milk supply are separated by the milk wall. And although things do pass through the milk wall - not as many and not in such quanities.

Best wisehs,
Maybe you can try the hairdresser Emmanuel F in Central, they use organic and chemical-free coloring products (2167 8280).
The Indian salons will probably do Henna dye. There's one called Freeda's and they have a location in TST and on Caine Rd.