Going to one nap a day


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When did your babies go to one nap a day, I know all babies are different was just hoping to get an idea if my 14 mth old is about average or not

my boy switched soemwhere from 14 months -16 months. he's now 19.5 months. on the very odd occassion, he still has two naps. but that happens about twice per month.
mine after turn to 1 and sometimes he's still do have 2 naps but that's when he was really tired :smile:
Same as Cara, mine was also between 14 & 16 mo. Don't be in a hurry to drop nap unless it makes your own life easier!
my 14th mth old is still on two naps...i heard they usually drop to one nap at 18mths..but i could be wrong.
Mine dropped at 13 months....she wakes up at 6am and sleeps from 10a-11:30am...then won't sleep until 6:30pm at night. Is seven hours of wake time too tiring? I tried putting her down for an afternoon nap and she won't have it. What time does everyone else's kids take a nap and for how long?
my boy wakes anywhere from 5am-7am and usually sleeps from 10:15-11:30am or so... .then he's up until around 7-8pm. the other day he woke really early in the morning and had an earlier nap...woke at 10:30 and then was awake until....8:30pm!!! he cried only for about 45 seconds before he fell asleep and he slept until 7:30 the next morning!
Same as most others replies, my son dropped from 2 naps to 1 nap at 12months, but then he slept for longer. We knew he was ready as his morning nap was getting later and later, and he was taking a long while to drop off.
carang and nanzbier

my 13month old is the same....takes a long nap in the morning then (unless we're at home and I can put him into bed) has dropped his nap in the afternoon. He used to happily sleep in his buggy, but just wont these days. It's not practical for me to be at home in the afternoons as well as ll morning, so these days he tends to go down at 10am till 11.30/12, then bed at 7pm. But like you, I worry that his afternoons are so long.

I think I may start making his morning naps a bit later (gradually)......although then that interferes with lunch.

What time do you feed lunch if they have a late morning/lunchtime nap???

i give her brkfst at 7am, milk feed around 930-10 right before she goes for her nap and then give her lunch at 12-1230p then milk feed around 230-3p and finally dinner at 5pm....

glad to hear everyone else is in the same boat...