Glue Ears


New member
Hi all

Anyone had any experience of their children having glue ears?

We have taken my little girl to an ENT for regular check ups and have found out she may need to have tubes put in via minor surgery. Has anyone else had any experience with this?

Any advice would be much appreciated.


My daughter had this as well only it wasn't discovered until after she had her tubes placed. The ENT doctor said that the build up behind the membrane and is a glue-ish consistancy which takes a very long time to drain with out tubes. He told me that it was a good decision to get the tubes placed. Hope that helps. We will be moving back to Hong Kong in December and I will need to find an ENT doctor there to follow up with her care, any suggestions? If you haven't already had the procedure and have questions, please let me know. Take care and I hope your daughter starts to feel better. Ear infections are very painful!