Giving birth at home


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Has anyone is hong kong experienced this? Thank you in advance! Im started to really desire this method at least learn about it or know that it is available?

I believe Annerley is the only place that does this, but I read somewhere that they only do it for 2nd pregnancies. Best to speak to Hulda at Annerley.
I am interested in this as well, assuming the pregnancy is healthy. Would love to hear other mothers' experiences.

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I met with Hulda recently about this, and she is not doing them at the moment, unfortunately. She hasn't ruled them out forever, though!

I would highly recommend talking to her, regardless, for a realistic view of what to expect at each hospital, and how to get as close to the birthing experience that you want (particularly if you're after a natural/intervention-free birth - which I guess most people who are interested in home birth are!)
I'm wondering what happens if a baby is accidentally born at home or if the other couldn't make it to the hospital in time? Would the mother and baby need to go to the hospital after the birth if there are no problems?
If the baby is born at home because the mother couldn't make it to the hospital on time it is definitely best to go to the hospital afterward at some point. Otherwise, you will invite an investigation by the police into the circumstances of the birth. This will make it more difficult to obtain a birth certificate for you baby.

This can sometimes go well. I know of one acquaintance that gave birth at home and then they called the ambulance and the ambulance and police arrived--checked out the scene, verified that the baby was actually the child of the mother (not like a baby stolen from somewhere) and they issued statements which they then took to the hospital to register for the birth--several days later.

This can also sometimes not go well. I have a friend who gave birth at home last year. It was her fourth child and the second one born at home but the first one born at home in Hong Kong. The family didn't really think to call the ambulance after the birth but then later--several weeks later--when they went to start filing paperwork for a birth certificate this created a lot of stress and hassle. The police had to open an investigation and the witnesses who had seen the birth (family members) who were no longer in Hong Kong had to be called back to Hong Kong to give testimony.

So, depending on how you do it, you can be treated with great suspicion by the police or it's possible it can go smoothly.

If I were in that situation and gave birth at home--whether planned or accidentally, I would call the ambulance soon afterward or present myself to the hospital just to cover my bases.