Freedom Ride - Seat Belts

mother of 2

Registered User
I've just seen this advertised on the geobaby web and wondered if anyone has purchased and whether you thought it is good?
Kiwi Mum

I bought one of these harnesses this week. I haven't had a chance to use it yet but I have fitted it on my baby and it is definitely secure. My baby is only 10 months (not supposed to use it till 1 year) but he is really big (15kg) and it is easy enough to get on him - and you know what it is like dressing a wriggling crawler! It also fits my tall 3 1/2 year old with heaps of room to spare. All the staps have to be adjusted initially but once it fits your child only the waist and chest strap need to be tightened and released for getting it on and off.

I am a recent arrival in Hong Kong and I hate having an unrestrained baby in taxis - it freaks me out! I am used to very strict child restraint laws. I would still prefer to use a car seat but I think this harness is the best option for taxis and it will be great when travelling - no having to take up half our luggage allowance with car/booster seats!
So can we buy this freedom ride here in HK or do we have to order it in, where is it: Australia or US?
Some time ago there were some threads about this savety harness, that the ordering took very long and didn't work out at the end....?
Marta, its the same harness that we talked about.. Its now available in
Taiwan and delivery is much faster. Click on the red banner on the right.

I just paid for standard delivery. Ordered on Friday, posted on Monday, arrived on Thursday. Can't complain about that!
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