Flat cloth nappies


Registered User
I use modern cloth nappies on my son and really like them, but they take a while to dry in this humidity. I would like to get some of the old school, flat nappies (like the ones our mums used) because they're easier to clean and dry. I've read on older posts you can get them at wet markets. Has anyone recently bought some? Where? And approx how much are they?

HI we hv it in sin and its not that cheap nowadays,and mys too.Maybeucan try flower market or wanchai market forthese nappies:)
oh currently i'm using bumwear for my DD whilst at home....its oki but the drying part is like wat u mentioned :(

hopefully the raining season will be over soon and drying will be much faster later.
Thanks for the fast reply! Do you like bumwear? I looked at them but didn't end up buying any. For my son we mainly use baby beehinds and fuzzibunz. BBH are great, but take 2 days to dry!

What is 'sin' and mys'? I'm hoping to find some flat nappies this weekend.

i am thinking to buy either fuzzibunz or motherease for my baby gal who will be borne in feb. can i have your advice on fuzzibunz?
Fuzzibunz are my favourite pocket nappies. Because they have two rows of snaps, one for legs and one for tummy, you can adjust the size to fit your baby very well. My son has chunky thighs but a small waist, and with almost every other nappy he gets red lines on his legs. But with fuzzibunz he gets a perfect fit.

And the colour selection of fuzzibunz is great!
many thanks for your advice Koan. do you buy them online or in the stores? i am searching on the web to see if there is any bulk buy...

for a nb, how many do i need?

sorry for so many questions..
I bought them online from the US. I think you can buy them here, one of my mother's friends loved our modern cloth nappies and went searching for some for her daughter. But I don't know where. I think you can gt them in Macau too.

For a newborn, you need a LOT!!! They pee and poop all the time. You'd probably need about 14-16 per day. For a newborn it's probably easier to use prefolds or flats, since you'll be changing them so much and doing so much washing, they dry faster. Slightly more work to get on but easier in the end, and you could use them for longer, unlike sized newborn fuzzibunz.

I think Mother ease is much better than Fuzzibunz 'coz FB is made in China that quality is not as good, and has leakage problem.

Wing On (Jordan) is on sale at the moment for ME diapers and a lot other baby stuff till tomorrow.
I think Mother ease is much better than Fuzzibunz 'coz FB is made in China that quality is not as good, and has leakage problem.

I think it depends on the shape of your baby. We've never had any leakage problems with Fuzzibunz. Nor have I had any problems with the quality of the nappy.
Have to say, I have not had a single leak with FuzziBunz except one time when I put hte snaps on the wrong settings. I think the quality is actually quite good and the local distributor is very good about defects as well. (I had a snap issue and she was quick to fix it)
thanks all for the advice. i think i will go for both motherease and FB to see which brand is better