First baby - early or late?

First baby - early or late?

  • Early - more than a week

    Votes: 25 39.1%
  • Early - less than a week

    Votes: 16 25.0%
  • Late - less than a week

    Votes: 13 20.3%
  • Late - more than a week

    Votes: 10 15.6%

  • Total voters


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Just curious to know what experiences others have had when having their first baby, as such a small percentage come on their due date!
9 days late with my first and even the twins had to be induced at 38w2d (usually around 38w w/o medical issues) ... 15 1/2 lbs/7kg combined!
Three weeks early -- I remember vaguely being disappointed at having to cancel the days' shopping trip.

I'm pregnant again so we'll see with this one!
2 weeks early, she couldnt wait to do the New year's post celebrations :D
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I think you should have added a "on the due date" button to your poll because although few peoples' babies come right on time--I went into labor naturally at 1 am on my due date--my son was born the following day. I would count that as "pretty on time" but most of my friends having their first babies were late by at least a week and most were induced because of this.
Finished work at 38 weeks, ready for 2 weeks rest and out he came 2 weeks early before I could even put my feet up. Number 2 was 1 week early.
My son was 12 weeks early, born at 28 weeks weighing 2lb 5oz. I am 38 weeks pregnant with my second and starting to get contractions this morning but not too bothered because she will be considered full term now.
Mine born 41 weeks after long waiting.I was induced at the hospital and on epidural for 12hrs.Hardly remember the birth details as i was so drowsy :(
wow, so far, there's a huge % that were more than a week early!! Mine was 4 days early. Thankfully!! I didn't want to wait much longer!! At the end of a pregnancy, every day seems like an eternity!!
2 weeks early with my first, 2.5 weeks early with my 2nd.
Glad too, I was doing everything to get them out of me. I'd had enough!
wow looks like a lot of early arrivals, more so than on time/late. i plan to stop work at 38 weeks, perhaps I should stop earlier?