ESF kindergartens vs Woodlands for K2 year


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My little one's at an ESF kindergarten in K1. Very happy and loves going there to play every day. We've been happy enough so far and have had regular communications with the class teacher who is calm and experienced and certainly takes a personal interest in each child.

Just met up with some Woodlands parents over the Easter break and a bit surprised at the difference in the 'academics' if there is such a thing at this age (3 and 4 year olds mostly) --their kids are learning a letter a week (phonics), and a number too - going on little explorations to collect frogs for example- every week has a different theme - and they also have a show and tell session where your child joins a group to 'present' to the class what they've brought along (ie: a favourite toy etc), thereby building confidence etc. Most of the children do know all their letters/sounds and can write too. These are all children who will only turn 4sometime this year (ie: K1).

Would be grateful for any experiences re ESF K2. Do they learn anything more? Anyone switched mid-stream from ESF to Woodlands for K2. All thoughts most welcome. I am usually quite happy for my child to just play but was honestly a bit taken aback by the huge difference in what the two schools do!

Thanks for sharing.
Have heard from P1 teachers that Woodlands prepares the kids for P1 better than ESF Kindy. Our little man was at ESF Kindy and I don't remember him doing any Phonics in K2. The Woodlands kids do have a slight advantage but the others catch up fairly quickly. And by Term 2 (P1) they are all pretty much at the same level.

esf doesnt stress on learning in kindy it is more social development. so it depends what u want
Rani, would you know if the K1 kids at ESF kindy stay in the same groups for K2. Ie: all the Panda kids become Turtles kids or whatever?
Also, do they have the same teacher throughout or a different one in K2?
Thanks for info sorry for bother.