Epidurals in public hospitals?


Registered User

Always thought public hospitals don't provide epidurals, until I started reading the forums in this website....

Seems it applies for certain hospitals only or quote per day etc.???? Or do they provide it to certain ppl whom they think require such? Can we request for this in advance? If so, how much is the charge??

I am considering to deliver in a private hospital as they provide epidurals. If all public hospitals (UCH?) provide such, then I can opt for public hospitals instead and save lots $!!!!

Does anybody know,pls?
Yes UCH does have epidurals, because I had it there 6mths ago.
You just need to tell them in advance ( few hours before actual delievery) for them to make sure there is someone available to get it done for you.
I delivered at QMH a few weeks ago and was desperate for an epidural but did not get one.... it took over 2 hours from me asking for the doctor to arrive by which point I was fully dilated so I decided not to have it. As a side note I was supposedly having gas and air this whole time, but then the doc pointed out the machine was not working, which midwife had not spotted! So all in all, not a good experience from a pain relief point of view at QMH for me.
I got "offered" an epidural even before I asked for one!

Same here. I had my son at POW and was offered an epi as soon as I arrived in the delivery room when I was 3cm. The dr was busy in surgery and didn't come until I was about 7cm though, so it took a few hours. If you want one, tell them as soon as you can.

And no, there is no extra charge.
Sorry to hear about your experience at QMH, Dink!

Someone advised me to write in my birth plan that I wanted an epidural, even if I DIDN'T - because that way, it's more likely to be available if you do want it once you're in labour. I was also at QMH and when I asked for an epidural, the anesthetist was there within 5 minutes and after signing a form, the epidural was in after another couple of minutes!!

It's strange how the same hospital can be sooo different depending on the day or the time of day, or whatever...
Nicolejoy - it seemed extremely busy with inductions (I was being induced) when I was there so I imagine that's what the problem was.... I was 5cms before they moved me to the delivery room too, so it wasn't an option before then.... just the luck of the draw I guess!
That's crazy - I was also induced, a Friday morning around 8am or something like that - they were rushing to get me in early, I think... I'd stayed overnight the night before (my waters broke the previous morning but my contractions didn't start). And when I was induced, I was in the delivery room the whole time!! It must have been really busy when you were there!! Where were you before the delivery room?? In the labour ward?
In the labour ward yes, it was tough being there without any support or pain relief (well tens machine) to be honest - it was a good 14 hours or so from the pain getting pretty strong to me being sent to a delivery room where I could be with my husband and theoretically get some pain relief. Oh well, we got through it and the baby is none the worse bless her!